Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Get Rid of a Shadow Person?

Question: How Do I Get Rid of a Shadow Person?

"Could you please tell me how to get the shadow person out of my home?" writes Crystal S.

Answer: How do you get a shadow person out of your home? Turn on the light. Ba-boom-ching!

But seriously, folks... In order to get rid of something we first have to know what we're dealing with. For example, if you had either ants or squirrels invading your home, an exterminator would deal with them in entirely different ways. So first it would be very helpful to know exactly what a shadow person is. Unfortunately, no one knows. In fact, although there are many reported sightings of such things, we have not been able to actually verify that they are real.

Let's say that they are real... What are they? Theories include: ghosts, interdimensional beings, time travelers and demons. And like the exterminator example, each would be dealt with in a different manner.

If they are interdimensional beings or time travelers, there may not be much we can do to get rid of them because they would presumably have their own agendas and reasons for showing up. Why would they leave just because we wanted them to? Who knows what they're up to, if anything? I should add that these two possibilities are rather remote.

If they are demons... well, they're not demons. I don't believe in demons so I won't even go there. Don't call an exorcist; the energy that interaction generates often makes matters worse, not better.

Most researchers suspect that shadow people, if they are really there, are a manifestation of a ghost or haunting. If it's a residual haunting -- a non-intelligent "recording" on the environment -- one way to possibly get rid of it is to alter the envirnonment in some way. (But why would you want to? A residual haunting is pretty cool! And harmless.)

If it's an intelligent haunting -- a true spirit that seems to behave and react in a way that indicates it has awareness -- then there are some things you can try to make it go away. And for those suggestions I turn to renowned ghost hunter and paranormal researcher Loyd Auerbach, who in his book Ghost Hunting: How To Investigate the Paranormal, offers these:

  • Ignore the ghost. "Like most people," Loyd writes, "apparitions probably go away when ignored." Sometimes, however, this backfires and the ghostly activity increases because the spirit wants more attention.
  • Use humor. Since fear is your biggest enemy in these cases, try injecting some light humor. "Most people have a sense of humor," says Loyd, "including the dead ones."
  • Listen and learn. Perhaps the spirit is trying to tell you something or communicate. Try to find out what that might be and do your best to resolve it.
  • Tell the ghost to leave. This tactic very often works quite well, "especially when the time is taken to explain how and why having her stick around bothers bothers everyone and increases their stress. Like most living people, most ghosts are reasonable," Loyd advises. This might even work in the case that the entities are interdimensional beings or time travelers; if they're aweare of you, they might listen.

The advice in Loyd's book is more detailed and thorough than what I have extracted here, so I recommend taking a deeper look. One important factor he stresses is that you do not try to do this alone. Get some help, preferably from someone who has some real experience in these matters.

And if you determine that your shadow person really is just ordinary shadows... adjust your lighting.

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Ghost and Haunting FAQs

Here are answers to frequently asked questions about ghosts, hauntings and life after death.

Are deathbed visions real?

"I am 400 miles away from my father, who is 91, in a rest home," writes Janet W. "My mother and daughter have told me he has been visiting with his family for about the last ten days. The visits get more and more often during the day. I am a firm believer in deathbed visions. I just wanted to know if he might know the end is closer than we think."

Are some people more susceptible to incubus and succubus attacks?

"I was reading an article about the incubus and succubus having sex with people while they are asleep," says Tracy. "Is there something that makes people more susceptible to this?"

Can animals be ghosts?

Can animals be ghosts?

Can ghosts attack?

"Have you ever heard of a ghost punching somebody?" asks a reader. "This happened in my bedroom in the middle of the night. It was a powerful forearm strike. If you know of others who have had this experience, it might help me comprehend what happened."

Could there be ghosts on other planets?

"After reading about?Nibiru, I got to thinking about extinction-level events (ELE), other planets, and ghosts," writes Jerry. "If ghosts exist and are around us now, what happens if an ELE destroys all life on Earth? Would ghosts remain or also be destroyed?"

Do good ghosts exist?

"Everything I read seems to be about bad ghosts," says Betty. "I have only had good or sometimes strange experiences, but not scary. Do good ghosts exist?"

Footsteps and voices: What is going on?

"We are sure we have something in our house and could really do with your help," says Pete. "We have experienced footsteps around the house, things being moved, unexplained voices, and being touched. Both my partner and I have woken up with unexplained marks on our bodies and we would really like to get to the bottom of what's going on as it is starting to affect our lives."

How can I make my parents believe in ghosts?

"My parents are skeptics of paranormal phenomena," writes Jessica. "They've watched programs like The Haunting and still are not impressed. How do I make them believe in ghosts? Do they have to experience ghosts themselves?"

How do I communicate with a ghost?

"My wife and I live in mobile home," says David. "I have been awakened by the sound of the floor creaking just out side our bedroom. I have been awakened to a young girl laughing very loudly. It sounds like it is coming from our living room. I was wondering if there was a way that I could try to communicate with the little girl or tape or record this to see if it is just me dreaming or that there is something going on."

How do I get rid of a demon?

"I am dealing with a demon and it has been controlling my life and will not go away," writes A Fan. "I was hoping you would tell me if you know based on your paranormal research."

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PARANORMAL NEWS: Mysterious Light Dome, Black-Eyed Kids, 12-Fingered Man

Mysterious light domeMysterious dome of light
This was seen hovering above Shanghai, Beijing and other regions in China; astronomers are baffled...
Black-eyed kidsBlack-eyed kids
In Ireland, a woman is quite disturbed by the appearance of two black-eyed boys in her yard...
12-fingered man

Man is proud of his 24 digits
Cuban man nicknamed "24" has 12 fingers and 12 toes -- all perfectly formed and functional...

Plus: Ghost tours launched at royal couple's home... Peru's Real Felipe fortress has history and ghosts... Bigfoot hunter in the spotlight... Sasquatch claims draw TV show to Minnesota... Missing man's family turns to psychic... Oak Island mystery -- solved?... Oak Island mystery -- solved?... History Channel gets UFOs right....
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Paranormal reporting databases - share your experiences

Did you know that we have several databases in which you can relate, share and document your paranormal experiences? Don't keep your strange and unexplained experiences to yourself. Record them in our databases. Perhaps someone out there will have an explanation for you or has had a similar experience.

There are currently four databases:

Share your experiences! And let me know what other databases you'd like to see.

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White Lady of Worstead Church

In 1975, Diane and Peter Berthelot along with their 12-year-old son visited the Worstead Church in north Norfolk, U.K. Peter took a photo of his wife sitting and praying on one of the church benches, and when they reviewed the developed photos some months later, a friend of Mrs. Berthelot asked, "Who's that sitting behind you, Di?"

The figure in the photo Mrs. Berthelot appears to be wearing light-colored, old-fashioned clothes and a bonnet.

The Berthelots returned to Worstead Church the next summer with the photo and showed it to Reverend Pettit, the church vicar. He explained to Diane the legend of the White Lady, of whom she had never heard. It is said that the ghost is a healer who appears when someone near is in need of healing. When she visited the church at the time of the photo, Diane was in ill health and was taking antibiotics.

Reports of the ghost date back well over 100 years. According to one story, on Christmas Eve of 1830 a man boasted a challenge to the White Lady. He said he would climb to the top of the church's belfry and kiss her if she would appear. So up he went. When he failed to reappear after a time, however, friends went to search for him. They found him in the belfry, cowering in a corner, terrified. "I've seen her," he told them, "I've seen her...." And then he died.

For a time, Mrs. Berthelot said she felt a calming tingling sensation whenever she looked at the photo, but that feeling has since subsided. Today, the church has been remodeled into a pub.

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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Today's Extreme Weather: Beginning of the End?

Today's Extreme Weather: Beginning of the End?
Have prophets predicted that today's violent weather is just the precursor to even more devastating events? Read their words, then read today's headlines and decide for yourself. ?

"Weather patterns will change dramatically all over the world. The winter months will be colder and in many areas wetter. The ocean currents will be changing, and the magnetic fields of the Earth will be moved about. The animals on the land and in the sea will be dying off in great numbers..."
- Mother Mary

"The last half of the twentieth century will see much seismic and volcanic activity. Atmospheric disturbances will increase... and destructiveness as the century draws to a close."
- Richard Kieninger

"The 1990s will be hard because the [Earth] changes will be accelerating. Major changes will come to some areas suddenly, and people will be without food, water, or gas for their cars."
- Sun Bear

"I saw fireworks. I saw the Ring of Fire. I saw volcanoes going off. I knew immediately that it was July. You're going to see a major acceleration in July. The driving force behind all the changes is... there is a major change going on in the Sun."
- Gordon-Michael Scallion

According to many psychics, channelers and prophets like those quoted above, the new millennium - the 21st century - the Earth may undergo drastic changes, the like of which mankind has never seen. Earthquakes and volcanoes in more frequency and of greater intensity. Floods and storms that ravage the land. And these seers are in the company of even more revered psychics, such as Edgar Cayce, who decades ago predicted massive Earth changes and shifting weather patterns that would occur at this time.

It would be easy to discount these predictions as millennium hysteria if today's weather around the world did not, in fact, seem to be going crazy. No matter where you live, your area has undoubtedly been experiencing weather that is severe and devastating at the worst, unusual or unseasonable at the least. And it has doubtless been the subject of many conversations with friends, relatives, and coworkers - all raising the question: What on Earth is going on?

Spencer, South DakotaHere's what happened in just the last week in June, 1998:

  • West Virginia state officials declared disasters in 24 counties; 13 mobile homes were washed away in the town of Mill Creek.
  • A water spout formed over Lake Erie near Sandusky, Ohio just days after floods damaged or destroyed more than 1,000 homes..
  • A tornado touched down in southern Connecticut - a weather event almost unheard of in the Northeast.
  • A storm shattered windows and tore holes in the roof of a convent, injuring three nuns with flying glass.
  • Earthquakes shook eastern Idaho and western Wyoming.
  • The Popocatepetl Volcano in Mexico showed signs that an explosive eruption is imminent.
  • Record high temperatures and lightning strikes sparked wildfires across many parts of northern and eastern
    Florida. The blazes were described as the worst the Sunshine State has seen in more than 50 years.
  • The World Meteorological Organization (WM.) announced that the Earth's protective layer of ozone will reach its
    all-time thinnest level by the year 2000 or 2001.

And that's just a small sampling of what happened in that one week. Earthquakes were also felt in Spain, Italy, China, Japan, Australia and New Zealand. Floods brought destruction in China. A violent storm and hurricane-force winds pummeled Moscow. No spot on the planet, it seems, is safe from these natural disasters. Not a day goes by that we can pick up a newspaper and read about destroyed property and lost lives as the result of extreme weather in some part of the world. For about a year we've been blaming it all on El Nino, and now that it has faded into history, meteorologists tell us that we should now gird ourselves for La Nina, which will bring us equally bizarre weather through the new year.

Okay, so what IS going on?
Are there unusual numbers of storms, volcanoes and earthquakes occurring, or is instantaneous worldwide communication just making us more aware of them? Is the weather going crazy all over the world, or are we merely caught in a natural cycle of planetary weather patterns? Are we feeling the results of global warming... or is this the beginning of the end of the world?

The prophets quoted at the beginning of this article - and many of their colleagues - are not just predicting bad weather. Virtually all of them see this escalating pattern as the precursor to far more serious Earth changes. Futurist Gordon-Michael Scallion echoes Edgar Cayce in his predictions of a shift of the Earth's magnetic poles in the very near future - an event that would wreak unprecedented devastation on human civilization. In short, they are saying that today's extreme weather is just the beginning, just one of the plagues that will visit humankind in the final years of the twentieth century. The picture they paint is not a pleasant one, and it shares a disturbing vision that has been presented by Nostradamus, prophecies of the Hopi Indians - and possibly The Book of Revelation.

Perhaps it is all millennium hysteria. But whether you believe this is the beginning of the end or not, there certainly is a lot more attention being given all of these Earth changes, both in the traditional media and, of course, on the Internet:

  • Gordon-Michael Scallion's Earth Changes Report gives a daily accounting of volcanoes, earthquakes, and floods, etc. He even provides a map of what he believes the globe will look like after these Earth changes take place.
  • Earth Changes - TV keeps a running list of weather and related disasters.
  • Radio's Art Bell has "Quickening News" on his Web site that serves to bolster the opinions he gives in his best-selling book, The Quickening.
  • Earthwaves keeps you informed about the changing environment of Gaia.

Personally, I doubt that this new millennium will bring an end to life as we know it. But just in case... does anyone know if the 50-foot-deep, fully stocked shelter I'm digging in my backyard can protect me from the pole shift???

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Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel

Brief history: Located on Hollywood Boulevard and opened for business in 1927, the Roosevelt Hotel is one of the most famous hotels in Los Angeles and one of the most haunted places in the world. It has long been a hangout for Hollywood's biggest stars, and the popularity of its trendy Teddy's nightclub still attracts the glitterati.

Ghosts: The Roosevelt is nearly as famous for its big-name ghosts, including Marilyn Monroe and Montgomery Clift. Haunting activity includes:

  • Marilyn Monroe's ghost has been seen reflected in a mirror in room 229 and dancing in the hotel's ballroom.
  • Montgomery Clift's ghost is thought to haunt room 928, where he stayed whilte filming From Here to Eternity, and can still be heard playing his trumpet. His spirit has also been spotted on the eighth floor.
  • One guest who stayed in room 928 felt patting on her shoulder by an unseen hand as she lay in bed reading.
  • There is an eerie cold spot in the Blossom Ballroom that is about 10 degrees colder than the rest of the room.
  • The ghost of a man dressed in white has been seen standing near a piano in the Blossom Ballroom. When guests approached the man, after hearing piano music, he vanished before their eyes.
  • The ghost of glamorous movie star Carole Lombard, wife of Clark Gable, has been spotted on the 12th floor, where she and Gable often stayed.
  • Former Saturday Night Live cast member Ana Gasteyer, while staying one of the hotels's suites, encountered a piano that played by itself and the full-body apparition of a maid in a hall closet.
  • Security guards have seen a ghost at the hotel's pool. It could be seen on security cameras, but when a guard went to check it, he could see no one -- although it still appeared on the security monitor.
  • The ghost of a pony-tailed little girl named Caroline has been seen skipping and singing around the fountain in the lobby.
  • Guests returned to their rooms only to find them locked from the inside.

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Scariest Poltergeist Activity

From unexplained noises to flying objects to attacks on people, this is some of the strangest, scariest poltergeist activity ever documented

PICTURE THE EARTH in the blackness of space, spinning on its axis, orbiting the sun, with the moon following its orbit around the Earth - all in accordance with the predictable laws of physics. All is as it should be. But look more carefully at that bright blue planet. Go in closer... move toward that land mass, down to that town, into that house at the end of the block. All is not as it should be there. Something is not right. There - and in many other houses around that planet throughout history and even today - things don't always seem to be operating by the laws of physics as we know them. Dishes fly out of cupboards; loud crashes are heard with no apparent cause; stones rain down from nowhere; covers are yanked off beds; people are pushed, poked and even slapped -- all by some mysterious, invisible force.

There is no scientific accounting for these occurrences. Yet they happen. They have been seen, experienced and documented since ancient times. Hundreds upon hundreds of cases; perhaps even thousands. We call them poltergeists and we have no idea what causes them. Some believe they are psychokinetic manifestations of our own subconscious, while others think they are caused by ghosts (or a combination of the two); yet others believe they are the work of demons.

No one knows for sure. The activity usually begins with unexplained knocks, raps or rolling noises. Then it sometimes escalates into lights and other mechanical or electric appliances working on their own. Occasionally small objects and even furniture are moved about; objects are thrown and clothing is torn. Bedcovers whipped off sleeping people are a favorite poltergeist prank. If it gets really bad, in rare cases, people are physically assaulted by the mysterious energy. Then after several days or weeks the phenomena simply fades away and disappears as mysteriously as it began.

...All while our planet, solar system and galaxy revolve just as our science and mathematics predict. How can we reconcile it all? What is going on here?

Poltergeist activity is one of the most fascinating and baffling areas of paranormal investigation. It's especially enticing because there are physical phenomena taking place. We aren't talking about mere hazy sightings or strange feelings. Things move! Bangs rattle the walls! Objects appear out of thin air! There's no room in science for this nonsense. Yet they happen.

Consider the following, a tiny sample of some of the strangest, unexplainable physical manifestations from a few well-known poltergeist cases.


Unexplained noises - banging, knocking, pounding, footsteps - are by far the most common type of poltergeist phenomena (poltergeist means "noisy spirit), and perhaps the most benign. There are extreme cases, however.

In 1962, Harper's Magazine carried an article about a couple in Cape Cod who were experiencing a whole host of poltergeist noises, including tapping and clicking noises, and the sound of a man walking around on an upstairs floor when no one was there. Such sounds might be explained away as house settling noises, but one summer night they were startled by what the homeowner called "the grand piano smash" - a crash so loud from the garage that is sounded like a huge piano dropped to the floor. They even worried that the ceiling had collapsed. Upon inspection, of course, the garage was empty and intact.

Next page: Pushes, Pulls and Pokes

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Monday, August 29, 2011

BEST GHOST PICTURES: The Ghost of the White Lady

White Lady of Worstead Church

Peter and Diane Berthelot were touring the Worstead Church in north Norfolk, U.K. in 1975. Diane, who was not feeling well, sat down on one of the benches and bowed her head to pray for some relief. Peter snapped this photo. At the time, neither of them noticed anyone sitting behind Diane, and it was some months later after they had developed the photos that the figure was seen.

The figure appears to be wearing light-colored clothing of an old-fashioned design and a bonnet. Taking the picture back to the church, the Berthelots were told that the figure was possibly the ghost of the White Lady, who appears when someone is ill. Go to the Gallery for the picture and the full story.

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Moss Beach Distillery

Brief history: During Prohibition in the 1920s, the Moss Beach Distillery in Moss Beach, California became one of the most popular speakeasies on the West Coast when it was known as "Frank's Place," frequented by silent film stars drinking its illegal booze. After Prohibition, the place continued as a successful restaurant, which it remains today.

Ghosts: The Blue Lady is the Distillery's most famous ghost and has been investigated by such prominent ghost hunters as Loyd Auerbach as well as the Unsolved Mysteries TV show. According to legend, in the 1930s a beautiful young woman, possibly named Cayte, fell for a piano player of questionable character and they began an affair, even though she was already married. She was killed by an unknown assailant on the nearby beach, and it is thought that her spirit -- dressed in blue -- still searches for her lover.

Ghostly activity reported by guests and restaurant staff includes:

  • Sightings of the Blue Lady herself
  • A levitating checkbook
  • Doors that impossibly lock from the inside
  • Mysterious phone calls
  • Disappearing earrings that later show up in one place
  • Glassware moving
  • During his 1999 investigation, Loyd Auerbach reports that he experienced the ghost "walking through" him several times
  • Anomalous magnetic field and temperature changes.

Note: The Distillery has various haunting "effects" set up throughout the restaurant, and these were "discovered" in the Ghost Hunters episode about Moss Beach. But as Loyd Auerbach points out in his article, "A Visit Does Not an Investigation Make," he (and others) have written about these effects well before the Ghost Hunters visit, and the genuine haunting activity has been reported and investigated before these effects were installed -- since the 1930s.

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Is there an afterlife?

Question: Is there an afterlife?

"After reading various books on evolution, I found myself pondering the existence of an afterlife, and the origins of that afterlife," writes Karl. "Searching for more information online, I found your site with the exact article I was looking for. As a paranormal phenomena guide, I would be interested to know your views on an afterlife. Already that tells you that I am a skeptic, but I am an open-minded skeptic. Unfortunately, most people are not able to debate this issue, and additional input always helps."

Karl, if your question is: Is there an afterlife? the answer is: No one knows.

I think I'm safe in saying that the vast majority of people on this planet believe in some sort of life after death, but belief doesn't really get us anywhere with this profound question. Either there is an afterlife or there isn't, and believing in it doesn't make it so, just as not believing in it doesn't rule it out.

So if we set belief aside, then we must see if there's any evidence for an afterlife. The truth is, there isn't any hard evidence for an afterlife. If we had hard evidence, there would be little question about the matter. Having said that, the evidence -- if we can even call it that -- is controversial, debatable, open to interpretation and almost entirely based on anecdotes; that is, the experiences people have reported over the years.

Generally, anecdotes are not considered good evidence. Yet it could be said that the more anecdotes we have that are similar in nature and description, the better the chances are that there is something to them. For example, if one person reported seeing a flying monkey, most people would dismiss him. But if many thousands of people reported seeing a flying monkey of similar description over many years, then those reports would be taken far more seriously.

So what might we consider to be indications of an afterlife:

  • Ghost messages. There are many, many cases in which people have reported that they have been visited by relatives and friends who have recently died. If true, this suggests that their spirits or personalities have survived death in some other form of existence -- an afterlife. Skeptics would argue that such visitations are nothing but figments of the imagination and wishful thinking on the part of the grieving living people. Yet there are intriguing cases in which these spirits have imparted information to the living that the living could not otherwise know: the location of a lost item, for example, or as in some famous cases, the identity of the murderer who killed them. This could be evidence of the survival of consciousness after death... or it could be evidence for the psychic retrieval of information unknown to the living person (which would be another mystery).
  • Near-death experiences. The experiences of many people whose life functions have stopped for a short time include the tunnel of light, often meeting deceased relatives and beings of light, sometimes entering a place that they assume is heaven -- all before returning to their bodies when they are brought back to life. Are these people witnesses to what happens to us when we die? Or, as skeptics claim, are these experiences merely the result of chemical reactions in the brain? These experiences are often life-changing for these people, yet as vivid and profound as near-death experiences (NDEs) are for them, they cannot be considered hard evidence, only an indication of a possibility.
  • Reincarnation. There are many compelling cases of alleged reincarnation in which a young person seems to recall details of a past life, sometimes even able to recall how he or she died. As fascinating as these cases can be, they do not stand as empirical evidence. These cases could be indications of life after death (life after life!), if true, but there is no way to prove them definitively.
  • Other ghost evidence. We could also include such things as ghost photos and video as well as EVP, but again there could be other explanations for these phenomena.

So could all of the above combined be considered evidence for an afterlife? Not by scientific standards, certainly, but many paranormal researchers might consider it so. But this also raises the question: What would stand as definitive evidence that would withstand scientific scrutiny? Maybe nothing can. Perhaps we'll only finally know after we die. Until then, ideas about the afterlife are a matter of faith and philosophy.

Personally, I wouldn't say that I believe in an afterlife, but that I hope there is one. We'd all like to think that our consciousness survives.

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PARANORMAL NEWS: Ghost Lights, Oak Island, Arthur's Round Table

Ghost lightAre ghost lights sentient?
Nick Redfern ponders if these lights, often seen as UFOs, might be thinking beings...
Oak IslandNew Oak Island hunt
Treasure hunters are using new methods to uncover whatever might be buried there...
King Arthur round table site

King Arthur's round table found?
Archaeologists have found a "circular feature" beneath historic King's Knot, Scotland...

Plus: Ghost reports at Naples museum... Bones found on haunted road... Bigfoot through the ages... Two nurses plan search for Bigfoot... Van Praagh rejects million-dollar offer... UK psychic looks into 11-year-old murder... Homo Erectus traveled the high seas... Saudi Arabia discovers 9,000-year-old civilization.... Reviews for Don't Be Afraid of the Dark....
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Sunday, August 28, 2011

Haunted Possessions

Haunted piano

We all know that houses can be haunted, so why not everyday objects like furniture, paintings, pianos, and even toys? Here are some true stories of objects found, bought and inherited that the owners believe came with ghosts attached. Read more.

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World's Most Haunted Places - new additions

Moss Beach Distillery

We continue to expand our gallery of The World's Most Haunted Places with the addition of:

  • The Moss Beach Distillery in Moss Beach, California, where the ghost of The Blue Lady has been seen along with a number of other ghostly phenomena.
  • The Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel in Los Angeles, which is apparently haunted by the ghosts of Marilyn Monroe, Montgomery Clift, Carole Lombard, a singing little girl, a phantom piano player, and more.

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Your True Tales - July 2006 - Page 10 - Black-Eyed Waitress

Your True Tales
July 2006 - Page 10

Black-Eyed Waitress
by E. Forster

First, I just want to say that I have never been a believer in the supernatural, paranormal, etc. I think that everything has a logical explanation that maybe only seems "bizarre" because of a certain kind of over excitement that many people have about "an experience from the other side," or what have you. There is absolutely no explanation for what I'm about to share with you, and it absolutely scares the crap out of me. Just recounting this is giving me a really creepy feeling that I don't think I'll be able to shake, maybe ever.

About three years ago, I was sitting in a local coffee shop in upstate New York during a little road trip. The restaurant was empty except for me and the night waitress. She was really pleasant and talked a lot; she was offering places to check out while I was in town and seemed amazingly astute. In fact, she seemed almost prescient, even guessing my age almost to the day and month and even certain things that I was actually planning to do the next day. It was so light-hearted, I thought I really lucked out by meeting a easy-going, smart young lady quite out my my normal way.

At closing time, she went to the back to, I guess, put some cash in the safe or something. As I was sitting there wondering what time I wanted to get up and hit the road again the next day, I momentarily thought I might even invite her for a few hours of "R&R." I decided instead to just remember the store and next time I passed through the area, to remember to stick my head in a say "hi" (no reason, I just wanted to play it cool and not seem overanxious at very first).

So, I got up and knocked on the door in the back of the coffee shop where she went in. At this time, there were only two dim lights in the main eating area, and barely any lights in the back room where she was. I opened the door. This woman who I just finished talking to was standing facing me, JUST STANDING THERE in the back of this dark room when I opened the door. Her skin was suddenly a clammy, cracked olive color, and her eyes were just BLACK. I mean, no white at all. Her eyes and mouth was open really wide, and she was screaming in the most spine-chilling sounds, something I couldn't understand, but it definitely wasn't sounds of goodwill.

I literally SCREAMED myself, and she started moving from one spot to the other through the room. Not running, just MOVING. Her clothes now looked all old, and she moved so fast; the back of the room must have been 15 feet or so back, and she just DARTED from one side of the back of the room, still facing me, to the other side, at an IMPOSSIBLE speed. Then she ran directly straight at me as I was now standing away from the door in the middle of the restaurant.

I got the hell out of there, and jumped in my car still seeing her nightmarish face in the restaurant, darting it seemed to every window at this impossible velocity. The worst thing was, as I tore out of the parking lot ... I looked in my rear view mirror ... and she was SITTING IN THE BACK SEAT, still with that nightmarish expression, still screaming. Then she just vanished as I was panicking around. Just gone. I don't know what that was that spoke to me in the restaurant that day, but I know that it wasn't a prank. I swear at night sometimes I see her shadow moving in the dark in my room, just grinning a really ugly, evil grin. I haven't slept properly since.

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Harley Hoffman Sasquatch Sighting

This video from Harley Hoffman provides footage of a dark-haired creature walking away amid some trees. So far we do not have a location of this video nor the date.


Pros: This video in some ways rivals the Patterson-Gimlin film in terms of clarity and importance. It may be the best footage of a Bigfoot-type creature since the 1967 Patterson-Gimlin film. The creature looks quite real and its musculature can be seen moving beneath the hair.

Cons: The downside is that we don't know where or when this was filmed. Also, we wish there were more footage of the creature for analysis. Another con is that we cannot see its face, which would lend even more credence to this being a Sasquatch.

We hope more details about it are forthcoming.

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Did a psychic predict Eastern earthquake?

Back in December we posted lists of predictions for 2011 from prominent psychics from around the world. One psychic, Sidney Friedman, predicted "Earthquake activity in the Midwest and eastern part of the United States." There hasn't been one in the Midwest (as far as I know), but a 5.9 quake shook the entire northeast on August 23.

Predicting a quake of a notable size in the east is risky, since they are relatively rare, but was Friedman just making a lucky guess... or was he right on? (He also correctly predicted that Colin Firth and Natalie Portman would win the Best Acting Oscars.)

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PARANORMAL ANSWER MAN: Is there an afterlife?

"After reading various books on evolution, I found myself pondering the existence of an afterlife, and the origins of that afterlife," writes Karl. "Searching for more information online, I found your site with the exact article I was looking for.

"As a paranormal phenomena guide, I would be interested to know your views on an afterlife. Already that tells you that I am a skeptic, but I am an open-minded skeptic. Unfortunately, most people are not able to debate this issue, and additional input always helps."

Answer: Karl, if your question is: Is there an afterlife? the answer is: No one knows. I think I'm safe in saying that the vast majority of people on this planet believe in some sort of life after death, but belief doesn't really get us anywhere with this profound question. Either there is an afterlife or there isn't, and believing in it doesn't make it so, just as not believing in it doesn't rule it out. So if we set belief aside, then we must see if there is any evidence for an afterlife.... Read the rest of my answer.

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Saturday, August 27, 2011

The Terrifying Amherst Poltergeist

For months it tormented a 19-year-old girl and her family with deafening noises, horrifying threats and unspeakable violence in one of the most famous poltergeist cases in Canadian history

Some ghost stories live on because of the sheer terror they brought into the lives of those who experienced them firsthand. For the most part, ghosts and apparitions are harmless to those who witness them, flickering briefly into view to perform some timeless task or to relay a message to a loved one, and then fading back into the unknown. Poltergeist activity, however, is another matter entirely. Seeming to center around an individual, a poltergeist produces physical phenomena that have been known to cause serious harm and otherwise scare the daylights out of its victims.

Esther Cox of Amherst, Nova Scotia was such a victim in a case that became one of the most frightening poltergeist accounts in Canadian history. The strange events were witnessed and documented by many people, and even became the subject of a book.

The year was 1878 and the place was Princess Street in Amherst, a town in north central Nova Scotia where the province borders New Brunswick. Esther Cox, 19 years old, lived in a small rented house with her married sister Olive Teed, her husband Daniel Teed, and their two young children. The crowded little cottage was also home to Esther's siblings, Jennie and William, as well as Daniel's brother, John.


Suddenly, into the tedium of this ordinary home, horror struck. But not from some paranormal force, rather from an all-too-human monster: Esther was nearly raped by an acquaintance named Bob MacNeal, a shoemaker with a disdainful reputation of which Esther had been unaware. Although she escaped the attack with minor injuries, the violence against her seemed somehow to open a door to further attacks - this time from an unseen entity or entities. And the Amherst poltergeist mystery began.

Although the house was crowded with the Teeds and their extended family, it wasn't unusual for households to take in boarders to help pay the rent. Walter Hubbell, a sometime actor, was a boarder at the Teed residence when the first stirrings of supernatural phenomena took place, and he recorded them in this book, The Great Amherst Mystery. One night, screams of fright brought all of the adults of the house rushing to the room where sisters Esther and Jennie shared a bed. The girls had seen the formation of something moving under their covers as they were about to go to sleep for the night; Esther thought it was a mouse. A search turned up nothing. The girls returned to bed and the house quieted for the night.

The following night, more screams disturbed the family. Esther and Jennie excitedly claimed that they had heard strange noises coming from a box of fabric scraps that was kept under the bed. When they brought the box out to the center of the room, it leapt into the air of its own accord and landed on its side. No sooner had the girls nervously righted the box when it jumped into the air again, eliciting the screams from the young women.

Up to this point, the events could have been attributed to the active imaginations of the two girls, especially given Esther's recent, harrowing experience at the hands of Bob MacNeal. But the third night would provide evidence to all in the Teed house that something far out of the ordinary was happening with Esther Cox. That night, Esther excused herself to bed early, complaining that she felt feverish. At about 10 p.m., soon after Jennie joined her in bed, Esther jumped up from the bed to the center of the room, tearing at her nightclothes and screaming, "My God! What is happening to me? I'm dying!"

Jennie lit a lamp and looked at her sister, horrified to see that her skin was bright red and seemed to be swelling unnaturally. Olive rushed into the room and assisted Jennie in getting their sister back in bed as she now seemed to be choking and struggling to breathe. The other adults watched in disbelief as Esther's entire body, which was remarkably hot to the touch, swelled and reddened. Esther's eyes bulged and she cried in pain, fearing she was literally going to burst through her stretched skin. Then from beneath Esther's bed came a deafening bang - like a clap of thunder - that shook the room. Three more loud reports exploded from under the bed, after which Esther's swelling subsided and she fell into a deep, deep sleep.

Four nights later, these terrifying events repeated themselves - Esther's unexplained swelling and torture ended only by the thunderous noises from under the bed. At a loss to cope with this unearthly ordeal, Daniel asked a local doctor, Dr. Carritte, to examine Esther. And he was witness to some of the most frightening events of all.

Next page: The Poltergeist Attacks

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