Is it just because they are talked about more and more in paranormal circles, or are people really experiencing encounters with shadow people in increasing numbers? Or have these entities always been around? To be objective, we also have to consider that these experiences might be strictly illusions or psychological disturbances. However, you'd have a hard time convincing the people who offer these stories that what they saw and felt - and what terrified them - wasn't real. Read more.
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Sunday, February 26, 2012
Spookiest Shadow People Encounters
Haunted Colleges and Lighthouses
For whatever reason, certain types of buildings seem to attract ghosts more than others: castles, asylums, penitentiaries... and old college buildings and lighthouses. New additions have been made to our galleries of haunted colleges and universities, and haunted lighthouses:
- Michigan State University, where several buildings are said to be infested with ghosts.
- Point of Ayr Lighthouse, where the ghost of a keeper still makes repairs.
University of Notre Dame
- unexplained music late at night
- phantom footsteps
- slamming doors
- students shoved on the stairway by unseen hands
- something unknown walking around on the roof.
Although no one can say for sure whether it's the ghost of George Gipp or not, some say they have seen his spirit hovering near students and occasionally giving them an encouraging pat on the back.
It is also claimed that ghosts of the Native American Patawatami tribe haunt Columbus Hall since it might have been build over one of their ancient burial grounds. Patawatami warriors on horseback have allegedly been seen moving up and down on the front steps of the hall.
Saturday, February 25, 2012
PARANORMAL NEWS for FEB. 21: Musical Ghost Vanishes, Devil Haunts Gaga, River of Blood
Plus: Ghost hunting: Beyond the physical... The haunted bus stop... The hunt for Bigfoot in Kentucky... Vancouver's Cadborosaurus debunked... Sasquatch investigators keep the faith alive... Sasquatch skeleton analyzed and compared to human... Mysterious sky sounds baffled early explorers... Psychic healing better than science?... Time machines and anomalous mental phenomena.
Get these stories and more paranormal news
Bigfoot's Back!
c Copyright American Bigfoot Society 2012
Is this the back of a genuine Bigfoot? This picture has just been released by Melissa Hovey on her blog, The Search for Bigfoot. She says she received the picture in 2008 from a person (whose identity has not been revealed) who says the creature has been coming on to his/her property. Read more.
Did Pterosaurs Survive Extinction?
They were the largest creatures to ever attain flight. With wingspans reaching nearly 40 feet, pterosaurs ruled the prehistoric skies for over 100 million years, until they died out with the dinosaurs about 65 million years ago. Or did they? Dozens of eyewitness accounts and a few intriguing photographs suggest that this flying monster, thought to have died with the dinosaurs, might still exist.
Adonai's Minions
I am a traffic officer. On this particular night I was on patrol and had just come back from the hospital where I had escorted a perp for stitches. I pulled into a gas station convenience store parking lot to get a cup of coffee and a pastry. I looked ahead of me and saw a tall, young man walking by the side of the road. He was Caucasian, mid-twenties, about six feet tall, with a yellow shirt and blond hair that bobbed and weaved as if he were off in la-la land or high on something. I sat in the cruiser just detailing the guy as he came into the overhead light of the gas station.
Then I noticed the strangest thing... and I am not even sure if I can describe this well. There were forms of people walking with him. They were transparent, but I could see them all silently walking. Tall things, but hard to get a fix on. At first I thought my windshield was dirty and I was seeing a glare, a double image or something.
The young male walked on the other side of the Hess station out of my view as I got out of the car. I shook off what I thought I saw and blamed it on exhaustion or driving too many hours. Then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw something come out of the light where the young man had passed and seemed to follow him. It was big, but again was transparent. This sounds fantastic, but it was shaped like a rhino, but with spindly, bowed, reptile legs. It was on a chain. Behind it was a transparent figure of a large male, approximately seven feet tall with a strange head that I couldn't quite make out, silently drifting and moving his dog-like jaw, like the face was laughing. I blinked a couple of times and it was gone.
Again, I brushed off this vision as a hallucination due to weariness and went into the convenience store to get a few things. Of course I was just seeing things. How could it possibly be real?
As I was talking to the cashier at the register, I glanced out the front window and saw the young man crossing the road. He was in a hunched-over position, which was strange... then he laid down in the road face down!
The Accident
I immediately rushed out the door and began to yell at that dumb fool to get up and get the hell out of the road. I ran toward where he was lying in the middle of the lane. Two truck headlights were barreling directly toward him. I yelled louder as I rushed to the scene.
The truck approached and its driver slammed on the brakes. The trailer truck slowly began to turn sideways. I panicked and my adrenaline pumped because I knew it was ready to flip. Then the whole truck jack-knifed and the trailer swiveled out into the other lane and collided into a short blue bus in the oncoming traffic, crashing it into the guard rail. The front wheels of the truck then rolled over the young man's body. The blue bus flipped on its side over the guardrail as the truck came to a complete stop.
Next Page > A Bizarre Confession
Which Story is False?
Three of the four stories are true; guess which one is fiction.
Strange Tales 17: Which Story is False?
One of the reasons you and I find the paranormal so compelling is that its possibilities are so mind-bending. After all, paranormal means "beyond normal," and we're fascinated by reports of events and abilities that shatter the conventional notion of life as science narrowly defines it. But be careful... one of these four astonishing stories is false.Strange Tales 16: Which Story is False?
Guess which story is false: The Wronged Pilot's Ghost, Swallowed By A Whale, Poltergeists Wreak Havoc, or Voice from the Vent.
Strange Tales 15: Which Story is False?
Here is the 15th, all-new installment of our popular game. You are presented with four stories of the paranormal and unexplained. Three of the stories are true, but one of them has been made up. It's your job to find the false story.
Strange Tales 14: Which Story is False?
Can you tell when someone is telling a fib, making up a story or trying to fool you? When it comes to tales of the paranormal and supernatural, it can be quite difficult because by their very nature they are rather hard to believe. But that's the premise of our little game here - Which Story is False? You have to identify the false story.
Strange Tales 13: Which Story is False?
Don't believe everything you read, the saying goes. That may be especially true for tales of the paranormal -- and certainly for this game. Here for your enjoyment is the lucky 13th installment of our popular game: Which story is false?
Strange Tales 12: Which Story is False?
By their very nature, stories of the paranormal are fantastic... often unbelievable. Yet strange, unexplainable things do happen - every day. The thing is, are you able to tell a "real" story of the paranormal from one that is completely made up?
Strange Tales 11: Which Story is False?
Which story is false: The Teleporting Boys, Citizen Abduction, Pinky the Mystery Beast, or The Haunted Highway.
Strange Tales 10: Which Story is False?
Which story is false: The Rat King, Music of the Angels, The Detroit Ghoul, or Miracle of the Corn.
Strange Tales 9: Which Story is False?
Which story is false: Doorway to the Past, Coincidence in the Wind, Ghost Ship's Skeleton Crew, or Man with the Magic Hands.
Strange Tales 8: Which Story is False?
Which story is false: New Jersey Bigfoot Encounter, The Case of John Doe, Unexplainable, My Dear Watson, or The Pilot's Promise.
Sunday, February 19, 2012
PARANORMAL ANSWER MAN: Will an angry ghost hurt us?
"My dad passed away December 10," says Cathy. "Is it possible that he is here? My mom swears that she saw and heard him the other night. He was really angry because she is going through some stuff and getting rid of unusable items. She is worried that he will hurt her. I don't think he can, but you never know.... Can he? Or is that just the grief that is making her mind play tricks on her? Should I do a test to see if he is there, or should I just let it ride? What do I do?"
Answer: Cathy, it's difficult to give advice without knowing all of the family dynamics. It certainly is possible that it is the grief your mother is feeling that might be bringing up illusions of your father's image and voice. However, there have been cases in which spirits of recently departed (or sometimes long departed) people make it known that they do not approve of the behavior of the living friends or relatives left behind.... Read the rest of my answer.
Mexico Cave Spirits
"I took this photo while on vacation in Mexico," says Amy. "I went to this place where I was able to swim with a guide in a salty river. We got to swim through caves and vines. While swimming through the caves, I snapped some photos. The caves were pitch-black except for some stained glass. When I returned home I took the camera in to have to the film developed. When I received the photos, I couldn't believe my eyes. There are several black figurines floating above the water!"
To be honest, I don't know what to make of this photo. I wasn't there, obviously, and so cannot say what this scene normally looks like. But, Amy, if you testify that you did not see these black figures when you took the photo, then it presents somewhat of a mystery. Is it some kind of camera anomaly, photo artifact, or smudges on the lens? Amy says there were vines in the cave. Is that what we're seeing in some distorted way? Are the objects just something that Amy did not see at the time? Or could these strange figures be cave-dwelling spirits?
PARANORMAL NEWS for FEB. 14: Mel's Hole Mystery, Cable Guy Bigfoot, Loch Ness Food Chain
Plus: Brown Mountain Lights remain a mystery... Paranormal exploration... Many Swedes believe in ghosts... Ghost sighting: Scared youth falls off power pole... Nicolas Cage: I'm not a vampire... Photo of car dented by possible Bigfoot collision... Why Sasquatch can easily hide from humans... Mammoth hoax verified... Daughter of missing woman turned to a psychic... Teapots that go bang in the night: Kent's strangest tales.
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Spokane Angel
"I believe this was taken in in the winter of 2008, February or March, in Spokane, Washington," says Sarah. "I was just bored and taking pictures of the basement I was living in while I was a nanny for the lady upstairs. I decided to take a picture of myself and this is what I got. After that, I turned on all the lights and TV and sat in my room until my boyfriend showed up. Then I moved out shortly after. Strange things would happen at that house daily."
Perhaps Sarah sees an angel in addition to herself in this portrait (she labeled the picture file "spokane_angel"), but what I see looks far more sinister. The face to the right looks distorted and rather scary.
Did this picture capture the image of an angel? A demon? A ghost? Something else? Or is it just a photo anomaly?
In any case, it reminds me of the photos featured in the book Spirit Faces: Truth About the Afterlife by Mark Macy. See a video here.
READER REPORT: Husband's voice from beyond
"My husband Steve died on the 3rd of December last year after a long illness," reports Kathy. "He was 58. The morning after his funeral, the phone rang. No one answered, but my husband's voice was left on my answering machine! He just said my name in a raspy voice, like he did when he was ill. It really shook me, and everyone who has listened to it says it is him. The message is still on my machine, and I can't bring myself to delete it."
Thanks for that chilling report, Kathy. Perhaps if you care to, you can send us a copy of the recording. There have been many reports of these kinds of ghostly or phantom phone calls, and many cannot be just dismissed as crossed lines or other phone equipment problems. Check these out:
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Cross Over Ground Zero
I was living in NYC on September 11, 2001. I happened to be rollerblading that morning toward the World Trade Center and saw the first plane hit the north tower. I was so shaken I took no pictures that day, and frankly was disgusted by some who did.
A few days later, I decided it would be okay. This picture was taken on Broadway headed toward Canal below 8th street in Manhattan. You can see the smoke still smoldering and flowing to the left of the picture toward Brooklyn. Up above where the smoke is originating (the World Trade Center) there is an obvious cross in the sky. This picture was taken on film. After having them developed and glancing through I didn't even see it, regardless of the obviousness of it. I was showing the photos to my uncle and taking more time with them when at the same time we both saw it. Freaked!
I went back to check the negative and it's there. I was so amazed by my find that I tried to share it with major news outlets, no profit intended, but they weren't interested.
Smoke Ghost picture
"This was taken a week or two ago [early 2012] in a flat in Oxford, U.K.," says Tom. "It's a friend of mine. Freaked him out when he saw it."
Many ghost researchers refer to anomalies like this in photos as "ecto" or ectoplasm, although that's probably not what it is at all. In some cases this smoky stuff turns out to be just that -- smoke, usually from a cigarette. Other times it might be caused by fog or vapor from a person's breath in chilly weather. Still other times the source or cause isn't so easy to pin down.
There's also the possibility that this is a hoax -- a digital creation or manipulation. Or do you think this is a genuine apparition? Go see it in the Gallery. Then give us your opinion in this poll:
Saturday, February 11, 2012
PARANORMAL NEWS for FEB. 4: Sofa Demon Photo, Bigfoot Theories, Baltic Sea USO
Plus: Ex-security guard shivers at memory of ghostly attack... Djinns blamed for fires erupting at Saudi house... Resident claims to see ghost in Royal Oak car park... Minister calls for help in ghost-busting... Myth of Atlantis could predict volcanic eruptions... The many wild theories of what Bigfoot really is... Psychic medium says Pats will win... Psychic research on Kindle... Sherilyn Fenn, Alice Cooper join Syfy's Bigfoot... Movie Review: The Woman in Black is haunting
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The Giant Thunderbird Returns
Tall Tales or Crypto Creature?
There are many tales of the Thunderbird that are more recent than the Native American legends. The animal is almost always listed in the catalogs of cryptozoologists' mysterious creatures, and although the Thunderbird has been sighted on numerous occasions, a credible photograph or video of one has never been produced, and one has never been killed or captured... except perhaps once.
A tale comes out of the Arizona Territory desert about two cowboys who encountered the giant flying creature in 1890. As cowboys are wont to do, they took careful aim with their rifles at the amazing creature and blasted it from the sky. According to an article in the April 26, 1890 edition of the Tombstone Epigraph, the cowboys and their horses dragged the lifeless monster into town where its wingspan was measured at an incredible 190 feet and its body measured at 92 feet long. It was described as having no feathers, but a smooth skin and wings "composed of a thick and nearly transparent membrane." Clearly, their description more readily resembles a pteranodon, pterosaur or pterodactyl than a large bird.
Most paranormal researchers consider this story to be a good example of Old West creative writing on the part of the newspaper. But there may be a hint of truth in it. In 1970, a man named Harry McClure claimed that he knew one of the cowboys when he was a small boy. The real story, as the cowboy told the youth, was that the creature they shot at had a wingspan of 20 to 30 feet. They did not kill the Thunderbird, however, and returned to town only with their fantastic story.
One more intriguing element to this anecdote is that a photo was supposedly taken of the great creature, held up with its wings spread by several townspeople. Remarkably, many people recall seeing this photograph printed in Fate, National Geographic or Grit magazine, or in some book about the Old West, but as yet this photo has not been produced.
In his book Unexplained!, Jerome Clark lists many more sightings, including:
- In the early 1940s, writer Robert R. Lyman spotted a Thunderbird sitting on a road near Coudersport, Pennsylvania. It soon took to the sky, spreading its 20-foot wingspan.
- In 1969, the wife of a Clinton County, Pa. sheriff saw an enormous bird over Little Pine Creek. She said its wingspan appeared to be about as long as the creek was wide - about 75 feet!
- In 1970, several people saw the gigantic bird "soaring toward Jersey Shore [Pa.]. It was dark colored, and its wingspread was almost like [that of] an airplane."
- In 1948, several witnesses along the Illinois-Missouri border sighted a condor-like bird about the size of a Piper Club airplane.
Abductors of Children
The most terrifying stories about giant birds is that they occasionally attempt to carry away small animals and even children. This item appeared in the July 28, 1977 edition of the Boston Evening Globe:
10 year-old Marlan Lowe and his mother Mrs. Ruth Lowe claim that one of two large black birds with eight-foot wingspans tried to carry Marlan off in its claws Monday evening in Lawndale, Illinois. Although several birds experts say that no bird native to Illinois could lift 70 pound Marlan. Mrs. Lowe say that Marlan was carried 20 feet before the bird dropped him when he struck the bird with his hand. (UPI)
Despite what the "birds experts" say, why would a mother make up such an incredible story that would certainly expose them to ridicule?
In September of the same year, in Burlington, Kentucky, a small dog was the victim of a similar abduction attempt. This item appeared in the September 2, 1977 edition of the Cincinnati Enquirer from a report by the Associated Press:
A five-pound puppy remains in critical condition today while wildlife experts try to decide whether it was attacked by an American Bald Eagle. Mrs. Greg Schmitt, Rabbit Hash, Ky., said the beagle was snatched from her farm and dropped in a pond 600 yards away. Mrs. Schmitt said she did not see the incident but that a 7-year-old neighbor boy did. He said it was a "big bird" which took the puppy skyward. The veterinarian, Dr. R. W. Bachmeyer, of Walton, Ky., said wounds on the puppy might have been caused by talons.
In this case, it seems to have been assumed that the predator was a bald eagle, but could it have been a Thunderbird?
Other abduction stories include that of a 42-pound five-year-old girl named Svanhild Hansen who in June, 1932 was carried away by a "huge eagle" from her parents' farm in Leka, Norway. The giant bird carried her for more than a mile, the report stated, after which it dropped her unharmed on a high mountain ledge.
In 1838, another five-year-old girl was snatched from the slope of the Swiss Alps, where she was playing, by an eagle that carried the child to its nest. Unfortunately, the girl did not survive the ordeal, and her badly mutilated body was discovered some two months later by a shepherd. The eagle's nest, subsequently found, was said to contain several eaglets surrounding "heaps of goat and sheep bones."
> Page 1, 2
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Previous Features
The Terrifying Amherst Poltergeist
In 1878, Esther Cox of Amherst, Nova Scotia became the victim in one of the most frightening poltergeist cases in Canadian history. The strange events were witnessed and documented by many people. For months the entity tormented the 19-year-old girl and her family with deafening noises, horrifying threats and unspeakable violence. Read about these eerie true events.
The Haunted Painting
Can inanimate objects be haunted? Can a spirit attach itself to a particular thing and then cause unexplained events to occur around it?
I received an interesting story from a reader, Laura P., whose avocation is painting. An accomplished painter, Laura has sold many of her works to individuals and businesses around the US. One painting in particular, however, is unlike any other that Laura has ever done. Its subject matter, to begin with, is most unusual: it is based on a paranormal photograph - a photograph that may have captured the image of a headless ghost.
Could this ghost have attached itself to Laura's painting? Read her story... and you decide.
In 1994, James Kidd, a commercial photographer, had placed one of his photos on display at a gallery in Tombstone, Arizona where I was showing some of my oil paintings. The photo was the old stagecoach stop at Tombstone. He first took a photo of the stagecoach stop and an old stagecoach, and then he didn't wind his camera so he could get a double exposure photo with another old wagon in the foreground.
When the picture was developed, however, it revealed something unexpected. Standing on a log to the left of the wagon is a figure that the photographer did not see when he took the picture. Upon close inspection, the figure appears to be a headless man! The figure's coat, pants and boots are quite plain and easy to see. But he has no head. The photographer says the photo has been examined by Kodak and other experts to prove that he did not doctor it in any way. [The original photo can be seen at Ghosts of Tombstone.]
I couldn't get over that photo and asked him if I could do an oil painting of it. (I do most of my paintings from photos I've taken.) He said I could. Back home in Sierra Vista, Arizona, I began work on a 16 x 20-inch oil painting based on the photo.
When I was about half way through completing the painting, I started getting a strange feeling. I began to ask myself: Why on earth did I want to paint this picture? And maybe I should never have started it. But I did finish it. And then some very strange, unexplained things began to happen around my home - seemingly centered around that painting.
I do not believe in ghosts, but I cannot for the life of me explain how or why these strange things have happened. I cannot attribute every one of these events directly to the painting, but they have all taken place since it has been in my house - and are totally unexplained.
Office Havoc. I took the framed painting with some others for a display in a business location. We hung the ghost painting on the wall behind an office desk. Three days later, people from the office called and asked me to come pick up the ghost painting. Every morning, they claimed, the painting was crooked. They would straighten it, and the next morning it would be crooked again. Also, appointments were inexplicably messed up and papers went missing. They were actually afraid of it. I took the painting back.
Mysterious Leak. In 1995, my husband and I moved into a brand new home in Tennessee. We wondered if these ghostly goings-on would stop. But they didn't. Oddly, the roof on the garage of this new home had a leak when it rained. The roofers came out three times to repair it, and although they worked on it they said they could not find the cause of the leak. It didn't make any sense. Nothing they did stopped the darn leak. Finally, my husband asked me where the ghost painting was. It was leaning against the wall between the living room and garage. We moved the painting... and the garage roof never leaked again.
Next page: The Haunting Intensifies
Friday, February 10, 2012
Woolly mammoth videotaped?!
Thought to have gone extinct 3,500-4,000 years ago, the woolly mammoth has been reported in unconfirmed sightings in recent decades in Siberia, but now a videotape has surfaced that might show a living woolly mammoth crossing a stream. The video was allegedly shot by a Russian government-employed engineer last summer. It's a pretty convincing looking video, but we have to be careful in this day of high-quality cgi. If this is real, it's an amazing video! Go look!
Children's and the Unknown
ARE CHILDREN MORE attuned to the supernatural? Many researchers suspect that children, from the youngest ages and into early teens, are more likely to experience paranormal phenomena because they have not yet developed the prejudices that many adults have against such far-out, "unscientific" ideas. Perhaps they have not yet created their own filters for feelings and experiences that most of society consider irrational or abnormal. Or it could be that young brains or minds are, for whatever reason, physically more receptive to such phenomena as ghosts, near-death experiences, past-life recall and premonitions.
Whatever the reason, here are several true stories from readers that seem to confirm that children can be extraordinarily tuned in to the strange and the unexplained:
Years ago while in my teens, my mom took me with her to pick up one of her elderly friends to give her a ride to our church. We weren't going that night, but my mom was always helpful to the senior citizens at our church. When we got to my mom's friend's house, mom asked me to go to the door to tell her that we were outside waiting on her.
I rang the doorbell and the elderly lady opened the door, said "hello" and left me standing in the doorway for a few minutes while she finished getting ready. The couch in the elderly lady's living room was partially shielded by the door, but I could see a man sitting on her couch in front of her TV, which was turned on. He never moved or spoke to me as I stood there. I was very shy and didn't attempt to speak to him either. I distinctly remember he had on a white shirt, black pinstriped pants, black nylon socks and shiny black shoes. His hands rested on his knees. I remember that his hand was wrinkled and appeared to be that of an elderly, very dark, African-American man, but I was positioned in a way that I could not see his face.
After a few minutes, the elderly lady grabbed her coat and walked out the door locking it behind her. She left the man sitting on her couch watching television, but she hadn't said anything to him when she left. I thought that it was rather strange, but said nothing about it to her. After we dropped the elderly lady off at church, I said, "Mom, Mrs. McClain left a man in her house, but she didn't say bye to him when we left." I also told her that he was sitting on her couch in front of the TV. She asked me what he looked like because Mrs. McClain's landlord came to visit her from time to time. I described what I saw to my mom, but told her that I didn't see his face. My mom said that the description that I gave did not match that of her landlord, because he was a very pale-skinned man.
My mom was very concerned, so she called Mrs. McClain at church and, in order not to alarm her, asked, "Did you have some company? My daughter said that you left your TV on." Mrs. McClain told mom she didn't have any company that day and that she leaves her TV on whenever she goes out because she wants people to think that someone is home, so that no one will break in. Hearing this really frightened my mom, and I guess the elderly lady could hear the fright in my mom's voice and she started screaming out, asking my Mom, "What did your daughter see? Please tell me, what did your daughter see? You are scaring me. I can't go back there. What did she see?" I remember my mom having to talk to her for quite awhile to calm her down. My mom finally convinced her that we were just wondering why she had left the television on. When my mom finally got off of the phone, we were both very shaken. I was crying and extremely afraid that I would see this man again because at this point we knew it had to be a ghost. I kept repeating, "I am so glad that I didn't try to see his face." My mom comforted me by saying that it was probably Mrs. McClain's husband, who had passed away, watching out for her because she was all alone. I never saw the man again and we never told Mrs. McClain what I had really seen that evening in her house. - H. Holmes
When my little brother was a baby, maybe nine months old, we lived with my grandma. My grandpa had just died. My mom was sitting in the living room around midnight trying to get my brother to sleep, but he wouldn't stop crying. Suddenly, out of nowhere he stopped crying, sat straight up and said, "Hi, grandpa." There was no one else in the room at all. The weird thing is, he said those words so clearly, and he had never spoken before, not even to say "mom"! - Beth B.
Many of your UK readers between the ages of 45 and 55 will probably remember a TV show called "Watch with Mother". The show was on the BBC in the 1950s and featured a string puppet named "Andy Pandy", he had a sidekick named "Loopy Lou or Looby Lou". One day my brother and sister where playing upstairs in our front bedroom. This room was about 12 ft. x 12 ft. and had a cupboard in the corner, which was directly over the stairs. My sister and brother, both now in their late 40s, swear to this day that Andy Pandy came out of that cupboard in the corner and spent the next hour playing with them both. This Andy Pandy, however, was about four feet high and had no strings attached. I have questioned both of them over the years and still their story remains the same. - Mike C.
PARANORMAL NEWS for FEB. 7: Iceland's Lake Monster, Haunted Mission, New Mexico's Bigfoot
Plus: Phenomena and Madame H. P. Blavatsky... Mystery surrounding singer who "came back from the dead"... Voodoo priestess fought a ghostly football curse... El Paso's haunted roads... The Birmingham Poltergeist case... Rupert Sheldrake: the "heretic" at odds with scientific dogma... Book claims Pope chased demons from St. Peter's Square... Russian scientists drill to sub-glacial Antarctic lake... New Sasquatch reality show on the way.
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Paranormal News for February 7, 2012
Up-to-the-minute reports of paranormal activity and news from around the world
Video: Iceland 'lake monster' captured on film?
Footage was captured of an obscure phenomenon yesterday which appeared to be swimming in the glacial river Jokulsa i Fljotsdal, east Iceland. People speculate whether this may be the notorious snake-like monster Lagarfljotsormurinn, which is said to reside in the lake Lagarfljot. Lagarfljotsormurinn is Iceland's equivalent to Scotland's Loch Ness monster. It was first mentioned in sources dating back to 1345...
Tracking Bigfoot
There's only one rule when it comes to hunting for Bigfoot: Don't. Whether you call it Bigfoot, Sasquatch, Skookums or one of the more than 60 names American Indian tribes have given the legendary beast, the harder you look, the less likely it is you'll find him, said Frank Smith, supervisor of the Sanostee Senior Center and keeper of tales from the various recent sightings...
Spooky stories haunt La Purisima Mission
Sightings of ghostly "spirit soldiers" haunting La Purisima Mission State Historic Park are as legendary in Lompoc as the flower fields and great surf at Jalama Beach. Over the years, the docents and volunteers who log long hours at the historic park, describing the architecture and way of life of both the Catholic Church and the Native Americans who initially called the lands home, have detailed various apparitions...
Phenomena and Madame H. P. Blavatsky
As Henry Steele Olcott reminded in the second volume of Old Diary Leaves (1900), there occurred in proximity to his friend and Theosophical Society co-worker Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831-1891) phenomena that "happened in the presence of many witnesses ."..
It's him - wife of 'resurrected' singer
The mystery surrounding "resurrected" maskandi singer Kwakhe "Mgqumeni" Khumalo deepened yesterday, with two of his common-law wives and his maternal grandmother joining the fray and confirming that he had indeed "come back from the dead"...
The New Orleans Saints hired a Voodoo priestess to fight a ghostly football curse
Today, the New York Giants and the New England Patriots battle for football supremacy, while fans sit at home with their lucky jerseys and their game day rituals. But some teams need a bit more mystical help than others. In 2000, the New Orleans Saints called in the big guns to combat the ghostly curse on their football stadium...
READER REPORT: The Ghost Bride
"This took place in Essex, United Kingdom," reports S.C. "My son was out on his swing when suddenly he came running in and he looked ever so pale. I asked him what was wrong and he said he saw someone standing at the gate at the end of the garden with a wedding dress, red curly hair, and eyes with a black rectangle over them... and then it disappeared. We went out and looked over the field at the end of the garden and we could not see the lady anywhere. Then at night, he screamed in the kitchen and he said he saw her again standing at the gate."
Some might write this off as a child's active imagination, S.C., but I'm more inclined to think there's something to this very good sighting. The child's description is quite detailed, and the fact that he saw it twice is also rather compelling.
- Also read: Children's Encounters with the Unknown.