Compelling evidence for life after death
SOME OF THE most compelling anecdotal evidence for life after death comes in the form of messages from deceased loved ones. Sometimes these messages are relayed by full-blown apparitions, while other times they come as voices, unseen hands and even written notes.
Messages from the "other side" are most often words of comfort for the living, that they are okay and are still watching out for us.
In the most interesting cases, however, those who have passed on communicate messages that are not only highly personal, but are of particular significance, important – even life saving. Here are some of those stories.
April had always been very close to her great-grandfather, who was a highly-respected baker and decorator of wedding cakes.
When he died, April was heart-broken. "I barely spoke or interacted with anybody," she says.
A few weeks later, she was awakened from a sound sleep. She noticed something out of the corner of her eye. "I turned to look at the hall leading to my room. There was my great-grandfather standing there with another being. My great-grandfather just looked at me, raised his hand and lowered it back to his side slowly while saying, 'Everything will be okay. I'll always be with you.'"
April was told to lie down and go back to sleep. But her great-grandfather left April with an incredible gift. "Ever since then, I have been able to decorate and make any type of dessert – exactly the way he did. Before that, I had never even tried to ice a cake."
It was an otherwise ordinary night in August of 1975 when 18-year-old Kris was taking her clothes to the laundromat behind the restaurant where she worked. She put she clothes in the washer and headed back to the restaurant to help her boyfriend, who was a cook there, close up the place.
While walking to the back entrance, Kris's attention was grabbed be a nondescript gold-colored car, although she didn't know why.
"I even turned around to look at it a final time before entering the back of the kitchen area," she remembers. Once inside, she started to walk to the front of the kitchen area, then decided against it and simply leaned against a door area where she could not be seen from the front, as she was not in uniform and could hear customers.
Suddenly, it became quiet. "Thinking that the last of the evening patrons had left, I started to take a step when I heard my mom's voice, as though she were standing there say, 'Kris, don't move!'"
Fortunately, Kris listened. Then one of the waitresses came screaming to the back and grabbed the phone to call the police. The restaurant had just been robbed at gunpoint! "Had I walked into view of the doorway," Kris says, "I would have seen my boyfriend lying face down on the floor, the waitress and the few customers on their knees – and I would have been directly behind the gunman, who was so nervous I probably would have been shot when I startled him."
One night in June, 1942, George D. had a conversation with his brother that he could not explain. His brother, you see, was not there. He was flying bombers out of Trinidad, on a mission to destroy German submarines.
"He told me he was going on a long trip and would not return," George says. "I asked if I could go with him and he said not for a long time." When George told his mother and sister about this impossible conversation, they dismissed it as a dream.
Several days later, George's family received the official notification that his brother died in a plane crash on 7 June, 1942. "Many years later, I was wounded and delirious during World War 2," George says. "When admitted for medical care, I could only remember my brother's name, serial number and military organization identification. I am still waiting for my brother's permission to go on his long trip."
Next page: Messages through notes and music
"I was in a car accident in December, 1985," says L. Young, and although she was taken to the emergency room, she was not seriously hurt. Because the ER was so overcrowded, L. was not able to get X-rays taken that day, but promised the doctor she would return the following day to have some tests done.
That night, however, she received an important message from beyond. "My father had passed away the previous January," L.
says, "but he visited me that night. He stood at the end of my bed, dressed in his work clothes and work boots. He asked me to come downstairs so we could talk and not disturb my husband. I went."
L. to this day is still not sure if this was a dream, but what her father told her convinced her it was real, dream or not.
"We hugged, and he told me to forego the X-rays the following day because I was pregnant, and that he was so happy that I would be giving him his first grandson. He told me to make sure that I told 'Kitten' that he loved her. I wasn't sure what he meant, but I agreed. Our conversation finally ended when my husband came to the top of the stairs and asked me who I was talking to. My father disappeared."
L. went back to bed. The next day, she told her mother about this remarkable experience. "She admitted that my father called her 'Kitten' when they made love – something that I could not have known."
The next day, L. went to the hospital for X-rays, but first asked to be tested to see if she was pregnant.
Although she had been completely unaware of it, the doctors confirmed that she was. In fact, she was only three days pregnant when her father gave her the news.
One September morning in 1999, Clair was surprised to find a message written on a little notepad stuck on her refrigerator with a magnet.
The note said, "Rise and shine, Claire." She swears the note was in her father's handwriting. The thing is, her father had died two years earlier, and she knows the notepad was blank when she went to bed the night before.
"I know it wasn't faked," Clair says, "because he had something called benign familial tremor, so his writing was really shaky." Clair's two daughters, neither of whom lived with her anyway, denied any joke on their part.
What's more, the message was personal. "It was something he always said to me when it was time for me to get up to go to high school some 30 years ago. I can't explain it, but I think it really is great that my father hasn't forgotten me!"
Diane was of high school age when she received a remarkable little message from her grandmother. It was a Friday night and her whole family was at the high school game, as her brother was playing in it. "I had been grounded for some reasons I can't remember now," Diane says.
Her grandmother, who had lived with the family, had passed away about two years earlier. And she was the only one in the family who could play the piano, which was kept in the basement. "I only ever heard her play two songs," says Diane. "One was The Third Man Theme."
Diane was alone in the house. "I had been watching TV, and all of a sudden I heard The Third Man Theme coming up from the basement. I got shivers and was scared to death. I think my grandmother was trying to get ahold of me by doing this. I will never forget it!"
Next page: Guiding hands and pranks
Julie's sister Sue had an appointment to see a psychic medium. Julie wanted to go too, but could not because of other commitments. "At the exact time of her appointment," Julie says, "I remembered our grandmother who had died 14 years previously. I also remembered her old-fashioned watch on a long chain, which had been given to me shortly after she died."
Julie reached into her jewelry box and pulled out the watch.
She then said out loud, "Nan, if there is such a thing as life after death, mention the watch to Sue and this will be my proof." Julie felt a little silly at having said this and thought nothing more of it.
The following day when she met Sue, Sue showed her the notes she had taken at the psychic sitting.
Half way down the sheet of paper were scribbled lines describing a lady who was coming through to the medium, and the words she kept saying were, "Here's your proof – the proof you've been asking for."
Sue was skeptical because she didn't understand the message. "What was really strange," Sue told Julie, "was that the medium described the lady she was seeing as leaning forward holding out a fob watch on a chain, which she was wearing. Didn't Nan have one of those?"
Karen never knew her maternal grandmother since she died when her own mother was just nine years old. One night, Karen was walking home after meeting with friends. She stepped into the street to cross when she felt a strong hand grip her by the shoulder.
"This hand not only pulled me back on to the sidewalk," Karen says, "but was strong enough to land me on my posterior on the sidewalk. When I glanced around me, I caught a glimpse of a light blue, periwinkle-colored dress with tiny white flowers." Other than that, there was absolutely no one around to account for whoever grabbed her.
At the exact same time, a car came whizzing around the corner at breakneck speed. "If I had been standing where I was a moment earlier, I would certainly have been run over and either seriously injured or killed," Karen declares.
When she returned home, still shaken by the near accident, Karen told her mother what had happened. "When I told her that I saw a periwinkle-colored dress with white flowers just after I was pulled out of harm's way, she blanched and became completely still," Karen says. "She told me that my grandmother had a dress exactly like the one I described, and that it was my mother's favorite. To this day, I feel my grandmother's presence around me. I think she is looking out for me."
When C.B.'s brother died, C.B. went to his apartment to find papers concerning his military service for burial purposes. But he couldn't find them, although he searched the apartment thoroughly. Fortunately, even without the papers, his brother was given a military burial after C.B. made some phone calls.
"Later, when I returned to his apartment, I was still angry I hadn't found his file," says C.B. "Well, there it was on the kitchen table! And there he was, sitting in his favorite chair with a smug smile on his face. I went to chew him out for putting me through all this trouble... and he disappeared."
Later, C.B. needed the registration for his brother's car so he could have it towed to storage. He asked his brother's landlord to search the car for the missing registration, and he assured C.B. that he had checked very carefully (the visors, the glovebox, the trunk, etc.) and found nothing. The following morning, C.B. went to his brother's apartment to wait for the tow truck and decided to check the car again.
"I opened the driver's door, and there on the driver's seat were the car registration and insurance papers," C.B. says. "Needless to say, the landlord came over to see and freaked out. My brother and I were so mentally bonded, I guess he had to give me a last tease, as he did in life, to leave me loving memories of his shenanigans."
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