Monday, October 3, 2011

How To Explore the Astral Univ

Similarly, remote viewing is no more or less than a type of astral projection, even though remote viewers themselves do not recognize it as such. There is little difference between sending the consciousness to a remote site on the astral plane, and sending a double of the physical body to that same remote astral location. Remote viewers never view physical locations – they view astral locations that reflect the physical locations. There is no such thing as projecting either the consciousness or the astral body across the actual physical landscape. Projection is always an astral event, but since the astral overlies and touches every part of the physical world, by projecting across the astral world, any point of the physical may be viewed in its astral reflection.

So to summarize, two things distinguish my book. The full scope of astral projection down through history is examined as a unified type of human experience, in spite of its seeming diversity. Also, astral travel is shown to be a mental activity, not the projection of some sort of subtle body beyond the physical body. Levels of the astral universe are mental states, just as is the physical environment we create from moment to moment in our minds. Because astral and physical planes are made of the same mind-stuff, they can overlap. This is why we sometimes see ghosts. Ghosts are astral overlays on the physical plane.

Q: I was surprised to see a chapter on UFO abductions in the first part of the book. What’s the connection to astral travel?

Tyson: The insight that UFO abduction experiences are a form of astral travel is very important when seeking to gain a true understanding of the nature of soul flight in its larger scope. I am not the first person to suggest that alien abductions may not be physical events, but I believe I have explained more clearly than most how they can be astral events.

Those who suffer alien abductions undergo a shift or jump in levels of consciousness, from physical perception to astral perception. The physical world is still experienced through its astral reflection, so the person having this event believes himself to be awake and in his ordinary state of consciousness. The alien beings with which he interacts are astral beings, but because astral beings are capable of projecting tactile sensations that seem completely “real” there is no way for the abductee to know that he is dealing with astral beings, not physical beings.

This is something that perhaps must be directly experienced to be fully appreciated. I can testify from personal experience that the touch of a spiritual being – a being composed of astral substance, not physical substance – seems utterly physical. Indeed, at times it is impossible to tell the difference between the touch of a spirit and the touch of a living person. When I say impossible, I mean impossible. The hand of a spirit can feel exactly like the hand of a person touching your skin. Yet that spirit is not physically present, and does not even possess a physical body.

The aliens perceived during alien abduction events are spiritual beings who inhabit the astral realms. They are not physical beings. Yet their touch appears to be completely physical to those who endure it. This perfect imitation of physical touch is what causes the confusion. Abductees can hardly be blamed for believing that the events are completely physical. They trust the evidence of their own senses, and their senses tell them that the experience is a physical experience. But it is not physical, it is astral.

As I point out in my book, there are strong parallels between the fairy abductions of past centuries, and the alien abductions of today. Indeed, they are one and the same event. The beings who at one time were perceived as fairies are now perceived as aliens. They have put on new forms that are better adapted to the expectations of our scientific age.

It would be impossible to convince someone who has been abducted by aliens that it was an astral event. After all, they have felt the hands of the aliens on their skin. But in past centuries, it would have been equally impossible to convince those who believed themselves to have been taken into fairy mounds that they had not suffered a real and physical abduction. That is one expression of the power of soul flight – that the astral can seem so real, it becomes a physical experience that involves all of the senses.

Next page: Tips for successful astral projection

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