Paranormal Story Archives
October 2002 – Page 21
Premonitions of 9/11
by Lori T.
I was in NYC for a trip I make for work almost every year to visit money managers on Wall St. We'd stay at either the Marriott WTC, the Plaza or the Waldorf. Every time I'd stay at WTC I'd whine because I like staying uptown better - nicer rooms, more to do at night. This time was no exception. I stayed at the WTC Marriott from 8/8 to 8/11/01. From the moment I got in to the hotel, I felt this strange, overwhelming urge to go to the Observation Deck to check out the view. I felt like I had to go up there. After dinner on Thursday, 8/9, I went to the top of the WTC because I felt drawn there - no, actually pulled there. I went alone at about 9 p.m. It was a beautiful night. Clear and warm. The guy sitting there at the top of the stairs monitoring access to the roof was really nice and we had a long chat. My first thought talking to him was, "I wonder if he'll make it." The next thing that happened was when I was looking out across NYC. I got a strange, dark, oppressive "voice" that said, "Take a look, a good look. You'll NEVER see this again! It is all going away!" It was sneering, gleeful and demonic. I felt I was in the presence of evil. Dark, cruel, evil. Oppressive evil. I thought, "This is silly, these buildings survived a bombing, what could possibly happen to them?" My rational mind took in the awesome size of the towers and thought what I was feeling was silly. I was thrown by the fact that I felt such evil. But the sneering, demonic being hovering over the WTC retorted that the buildings would be gone, GONE. I would never see this again. "Take a look, a good, long look because you'll never see this again." Impossible," said my mind. My intuitive self said no, the evil was really there and something horrendous was going to happen. After the attack, an AP photo appeared in the Philadelphia paper showing smoke billowing from the WTC in a shape that looked like a demon.
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by Deborah
I grew up in north Jersey. There is a road in this town called Skyline Drive because you can see the N.Y. skyline on a clear day. This town is about 30 miles west of the city. I used to housesit for one woman on this street and used to look through her window with binoculars out at the WTC. On the morning of 9/11, I had an unbelievable dream. I woke up at 9:15 a.m., after the buildings were attacked by the hijacked jets. My dream was a two-part dream: The first part was of me being at the house I used to housesit. I was sitting in her kitchen looking out the window with binoculars right at the WTC. The dream then switched to a city; not exactly NYC but it had tall buildings. I distinctly remember me walking into a building with the feeling that I had done something to cause trouble, such as a bomb, and I was extremely proud of myself. I was walking up the stairs as people were rushing out. I then switched back to "myself" in the dream and I followed the others out of the building. I looked up at the building, this tall, bluish building and it started rumbling and shaking and water was pouring out of it along with debris. It was pretty scary so I guess this is when I woke up. I went downstairs to find two messages on my machine. One from my husband telling me a plane hit the WTC. The other one from a panicked friend who said, "Turn on your TV. Two planes crashed into the WTC." I was shocked as the rest of the world was, but the fact that I dreamed this after the fact without knowing what was going on while I was asleep was what shocked me. And to further my disbelief, I recently saw on TV, the flight pattern of the second plane to hit the WTC. It had flown OVER my house! Could it have been possible for me to have connected on a higher plane (no pun) with a hijacker of their intentions?
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by Donald N.
About a couple of months ago, in conversation, I recalled a dream I had maybe two years ago or more. I had this recurring dream; I dreamt this probably about three times. It starts out with me in this very very tall building. I'm inside the building. A strong sense of something is wrong is in the air. I remember looking down at the floor, and seeing the building begin to break apart, so that there were cracks running through the floor. A brilliant light was shining out through the cracks. In the dream, I thought maybe a nuclear explosion occurred somewhere below me in the building. I panicked, because the building was about to completely fall apart, so I ran to the window and jumped out to try and escape. I wouldn't claim that the building looked like the WTC. I have never been there before. Is it just coincidence?
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by Jacob C.
I too, had visions of the attack, almost two months before they happened. I had visions of the towers on fire, but didn't know what they meant, not until I saw it live on the news that morning at school did it hit me what I saw. Now I hope whatever I see in my dreams can be stopped.
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by Pascal B.
I live in Quebec, Canada. At about 6:00 a.m. (same time zone as New York city), on Sept.11, 2001, I wake up after having a very disturbing dream. As usual, I take some notes on a sheet of paper and go back to sleep. At 8:30, I get out of bed and start to watch CNN on TV while having my coffee and toasts. Minutes later, a plane hit the first WTC tower. And then I see another plane hitting the second tower! "Must be a cartoon! It is impossible! I am dreaming!" MY DREAM! Oh! My God! I realize that my morning dream was all about that!
Here is the dream: "I am flying high above the ground. Below me are many long and white rectangles resting on something blue in color, just like piers or wharfs on blue water. On my right, a large two motors passengers plane if taking off. I see the faces of the passengers on the windows: their mouths are open as if to shout a silent cry and their hands are on each side of their heads as if being taken hostages. Then, I hear a loud noise on my left: another plane is taking off there. Both planes are flying low and now, they are heading toward the long rectangles. The plane on the right suddenly plunges toward the first long rectangle, crashes on it and disappears completely inside. Lot of debris slowly fall down the side of the rectangle. There are all dead! Oh! My God! All the passengers are dead!" End of the dream.
Do you have a paranormal tale to tell? |
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