Saturday, September 24, 2011

Skeptics: Anecdote is evidence!

This is from Greg at Daily Grail, who gives a great assessment of how a paranormal skeptic reported about a medium who might or might not have been caught cheating. "For years those interested in anomalous phenomena have had to put up with a string of platitudes from self-labeled skeptics," writes Greg, "not least among them the phrases 'anecdotes are not evidence', and 'the plural of anecdote is not data'. But it appears that things have changed, because a story suggests that skeptics are now more than willing to accept anecdotes as validating evidence when it comes to mediumship."

It seems a single witness claimed to have caught the "medium" Sally Morgan covertly receiving details from an informant during one of her readings, and skeptic Chris French wrote about it in The Guardian newspaper.

Greg doesn't know if Morgan is a fake or not (nor do I), but makes the point that "skeptics are the first to dismiss anecdotes about reports of anomalous experiences, and yet here embrace it?when it validates their belief system, to the extent that they will shout it from the rooftops."

View the original article here

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