Thursday, September 15, 2011

Sightings of Fairies and Littl

Sightings and encounters with fairies, elves, leprechauns and other wee folk have been reported for centuries. Are they imaginary or something real? Here are some reports.

Color Fairies

In 1996, a little girl has an encounter with a litte winged creature.

Dead Fairy Sighting

In the Philippines, Mary Ann sees something that she at first thinks is a toy, but then realizes it's not.

Death of a Fairy

In Dibling, Texas, a 16-year-old witnesses the horrible death of a creature she believes to be a fairy.

Faery Friends

One moonlit night, Marlene says she called to the faeries, and they came to her.

Fairy Abduction

He wasn't little, this strange man Anya encountered, but she believes he was a fairy being, and he took her away.

Fairy Crashes into Window

Rain is at work when she hears a thump at the window.... and no it wasn't a bird.

Fairy Encounter

This beautiful encounter with a faery or brownie took place on May 31, 2008 in Wyoming, Pennsylvania.

Fairy Party

In Chino, California, Joshua was dating a Wiccan who was crazy about fairies when....

Freaky Fairies

What are the chances that when Mark is doing research on fairy lore that he encounters some?

Garbage-Eating Troll

When Ronnie and her son run out of gas, they see a troll rummaging through the trash.

View the original article here

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