Saturday, August 6, 2011

Black-eyed creatures naming contest

"I'm a long-time reader and subscriber and I was reading the True Tales accounts of black-eyed people," writes Chris. "It seems to be such a common occurrence now that we should probably give these creatures a name.

"I thought it would be fun to give your readers a chance to name a creature in a contest for the best name for the black-eyed people."

What do you think, folks? For other weird creatures out there we have such colorful names as Bigfoot, Chupacabras, The Jersey Devil, and Mothman. Is "black-eyed people" too plain? Could there be a better name for those mysterious black-eyed entities that seem to be appearing with more frequency? Here's your chance to give them a name. Go here to enter the contest and suggest your name.

View the original article here

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