Here are answers to frequently asked questions about ghosts, hauntings and life after death.
Are deathbed visions real?
"I am 400 miles away from my father, who is 91, in a rest home," writes Janet W. "My mother and daughter have told me he has been visiting with his family for about the last ten days. The visits get more and more often during the day. I am a firm believer in deathbed visions. I just wanted to know if he might know the end is closer than we think."
Are some people more susceptible to incubus and succubus attacks?
"I was reading an article about the incubus and succubus having sex with people while they are asleep," says Tracy. "Is there something that makes people more susceptible to this?"
Can animals be ghosts?
Can animals be ghosts?
Can ghosts attack?
"Have you ever heard of a ghost punching somebody?" asks a reader. "This happened in my bedroom in the middle of the night. It was a powerful forearm strike. If you know of others who have had this experience, it might help me comprehend what happened."
Could there be ghosts on other planets?
"After reading about?Nibiru, I got to thinking about extinction-level events (ELE), other planets, and ghosts," writes Jerry. "If ghosts exist and are around us now, what happens if an ELE destroys all life on Earth? Would ghosts remain or also be destroyed?"
Do good ghosts exist?
"Everything I read seems to be about bad ghosts," says Betty. "I have only had good or sometimes strange experiences, but not scary. Do good ghosts exist?"
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