Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Telepathy with Animals

There is a great leap, however, from saying that animals can communicate their needs in the familiar way that they do to saying that they can do so through telepathic words and pictures (just as telepathy among humans is not an everyday event for most people). Animal communicators believe that it's not only possible, but that they can talk to animals in this way at will.

Raphaela Pope recounts a consultation she had with a German Shepherd named Helga: "Helga's person, Joan, told me that Helga had a very severely lacerated left ear. She wanted to know how the dog had injured herself. When I tuned into Helga, she showed me a picture of digging at the wooden fence surrounding her property. Helga tried to get her face under the fence, only to run into an old rusty piece of barbed wire. Later, Joan asked Helga to show her exactly where the wire was. Helga led her to the spot and Joan found the old rusty wire wrapped around the base of the fence!"

Animal communicators have many such anecdotes, some of which you can read about in such books as Penelope Smith's Animal Talk and When Animals Speak. But why talk to animals? For many animal communicators, it's their business. As consultants, they offer their services to help customers solve problems they are having with their pets. "This type of service is most beneficial to you and your pet when there are problems going on," says The Fur People. "Behavior is one way an animal can demonstrate its unhappiness, and illness is another."


Can you talk to your pet? Animal communicators provide these tips:

  • "I discovered that one of the secrets to effective communications with nature is to be clear within yourself, emotionally and mentally - and to put a little emotion into the communications. Allow yourself to notice, listen with your heart, speak with feeling, then trust that you're connecting." - Laura Simpson, from "The Art of Noticing Your Pet."
  • "Picture in your mind what it is you are trying to get them to do or what you are trying to tell them. Send them your emotions and feelings too. If you intend that your message gets there, it will. Try not to lean over your animal in anticipation of hearing what they are saying. Sit back, relax, and let the animal's thoughts and feelings come to you." - Interspecies Telepathic Communication
  • "The basic steps of telepathic animal communication are creating a state of quietness and receptivity in order to actually receive the communication, sending the message, and receiving the answer." - Raphaela Pope

How do you know your experience is genuine? Raphaela Pope offers this answer: "People new to animal communication often ask, 'How can I be sure the answer came from the animal? It feels like I'm making it up.' If you are in a quiet and relaxed state, not putting out a lot of thoughts or emotions, the information that comes to you must be from the animal. Because it comes to you through your mind, or your emotional sense, or your visual perception it may feel like it is from you. You will know it is not when you get an unexpected answer."

Laura Simpson adds: "Many folks will want to discount the communications, thinking their imagination is working overtime... but if you listen closely - and with your heart - you'll soon discover that your imagination knows what it's doing... the images and words come up as they do for a reason and if you will respond in trust that your insights are valid, you'll find that your pets, and in fact all of nature, have quite a story to tell you!"

Still, since the pets cannot verbalize their problems and illnesses, how do we really, really know if we, or an animal communication we might hire, is understanding what the animal might be trying to communicate? The proof of the pudding, as they say, is in the eating. If the problem or illness goes away or improves after such communication... maybe there's something to it after all.

View the original article here

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