Thursday, October 29, 2015

Ghost at the Top of the Stairs

 - Photo: Natalie H.
Photo: Natalie H.

"My niece stayed at my house the night before last," says Natalie H.. "She slept in my son's bedroom, which is opposite the landing. Myself and my husband had gone to sleep as we were both shattered. She was on her mobile phone taking a Snapchat picture directly in front of her to send to her friend. (Apparently, this is what they do and add a caption underneath.)

"As she looked at the screen on her phone, she thought she had noticed something and so saved the picture and changed the contrast on it.

 She then saw what looks like a face peeping around the banister at the top of my stairs. She was so frightened that she lay awake all night, terrified, but didn't want to come and disturb us.

"There have never been any other occurrences... except one. About two years ago, I was on the landing about to hang washing.

I was wearing a onesie with a hood and I felt someone pull it, which at the time really shook me up! I tried to find a logical explanation for it at the time, but to this day I'm not sure what it was.

"My husband says it's the lighting, but I'm not convinced as you can clearly see the shape of a face. It is underneath the carrier bag which was hung on my banister."

View it in the Gallery.

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