Friday, September 30, 2011

Paranormal News and Views

Up-to-the-minute reports of paranormal activity and news from around the world

September 24, 2011


UK paranormal research gets professional
ASSAP -- the Association for the Scientific Study of Anomalous Phenomena -- had let it be known they had a major announcement to make, and there was much speculation as to what it would be. The secret was finally revealed on Saturday, 10 September 2011, at ASSAP's 30th anniversary conference. The Association -- an education and research charity interested in all manner of strange goings-on -- announced that it had been officially recognised as a professional body for investigators of anomalous phenomena by no less an entity than the UK government!..


The Yeti is alive, or at least discussed in Tashtagol
Many local residents in Tashtagol regions believe that there are still many Yetis or Almas or Bigfoot exist and live around the regions of Tashtagol. Once there was a case when the governor of Kemerovo region Aman Tuleev offered cash prize to whoever catches the Yeti...
(Also read: Yeti photograph)

TV crew looks for Bigfoot, aka 'Big Rhody,' in Rhode Island
Bigfoot could be on the loose somewhere in the woods of western Rhode Island. And an investigative team and camera crew are tracking him down. Finding Bigfoot, a TV series on Animal Planet, is in West Greenwich on Thursday, looking for the so-called Sasquatch, hoping to capture the creature on film, or at least capture the comments of people who've reported sightings...

Argentina: The anthropomorphic phenomena of Santa Isabel
In 1972, Mr. Teodoro Merlo discovered the presence of a "person" of considerable size and pointed ears in a dressing room of the Ika-Renault Auto Plant. Simultaneously, the lights on the premises turned on and off inexplicably. The entity vanished all of a sudden. Witness experienced aftereffects...
(Also see: Strange Humanoid Encounter)


'X Factor' recap: Paula Abdul sees ghosts
Contestant Ashley Deckard, 14, insists that she can see ghosts, but that's not really the scary part. Paula Abdul says she can see them too. How and why this confession was glossed over, we're not sure -- but it could explain a lot about her time on American Idol...

Hong Kong girls taken to hospital after seeing ghosts
Two Hong Kong schoolgirls were taken to hospital after collapsing in terror claiming they had seen the ghosts of Japanese soldiers from World War II, a news report said. The girls were among a party of 12 exploring the site of an abandoned school in the New Territories, which is rumoured to be haunted, when they claim they saw an apparition of a marching army...
(Also read: Ghost Soldier)

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Thursday, September 29, 2011

Transparent Being's Warning

This event happened ten years ago when I was 15 years old. It was November, 2000.

In the hour of rest, I went with a school friend to buy something to eat. The moment we were climbing the stairs of the school, everything disappeared and I found myself in a place with a white light.

Then appeared a being that was transparent, like water, with big blue eyes. I asked who he was and he said, "The man on the right side will be part of your life."

At that moment I felt a warmth in my body, then I felt weak and sleepy. Without thinking, I looked on the right side and saw a close friend of mine. I hadn't seen that he was near me. Then came the voice of the friend with whom I went to buy something. She shouted at me, "Hey, do you feel good? You seem like a dead person."

I cannot explain what happened, but I felt like I was somewhere else. From that moment I changed forever. Many unexplained things began to happen. The man on my right side, the transparent creature spoke of, was a curse in my life for many years. It seems like fairy tale, but this is a bitter reality that I experienced.

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Possible explanation for some residual hauntings

Jes Alexander is a restoration architect who thinks he might have come up with an explanation for at least some residual hauntings. Paranormal researchers often have likened residual hauntings to tape recordings of events that are somehow triggered to play over and over again. In his article, "Residual hauntings (maybe) explained," Alexander notes that many old houses have all of the ingredients for a kind of large-scale recorder: a metallic recording "film" in the form of lead paint in the walls, electromagnets created by iron in the building's skeleton, and a power source from old wiring. The electric power also could come from the charged atmosphere of stormy nights, when ghostly activity is traditionally experienced. This particular kind of building structure might account for EVP as well, he says.

It would be worth some experimentation to find out if Alexander's idea is viable. I see some problems with the theory, however. I'm no electrical engineer, but it seems making a recording device work requires some rather precise arrangements of the components required. We could not, for example, throw magnetic tape, an electromagnet and a battery into a box and expect it to record and play back sound.

Residual hauntings have also been reported in places that do not fit Alexander's requirements. I would surmise that not all have lead paint, iron framing or bad wiring. In fact, one of the most famous cases of residual haunting -- the Underwood video from Gettysburg -- is outside.

I see problems with suggesting this as a source of electronic voice phenomena (EVP), too. As many paranormal researchers have experienced, EVP don't seem to be playbacks of a recording. They don't, for example, repeat the same things over and over. Rather, the voices in EVP often comment on what the researchers are doing and saying, and even directly answer questions. (The only way this might be possible is if EVP are some kind of temporal holographic recording we do not understand.)

So I think Alexander has an interesting hypothesis that should be tested, but I don't see how it can account for all residual hauntings.

Also see:

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The Haunting of Laura

Many paranormal researchers think that poltergeist activity arises out of the subconscious of a living person, called an agent. This agent usually is known to be under stress, whether it is emotional, physical or psychological. By some mechanism that is still unknown, turmoil inside the body and mind of the agent becomes a physical reality in the form of unexplained sights and sounds, objects thrown about, and more.

The case of Laura B. might very well qualify her as a poltergeist agent, where the trauma and fear of a broken home materialized in an outburst of terrifying phenomena. This is Laura's story.

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St. Joseph's College

Brief history: St. Joseph's was founded as a Catholic girls' academy in 1809 by Elizabeth Ann Seton, better known as Mother Seton, who later was canonized as a Catholic saint. Over the years, the school grew into a college of liberal arts for women. The college closed in 1973 and the campus was bought by the U.S. Government to house the National Emergency Training Center. During the Civil War, the campus served as a field hospital for wounded soldiers -- a reason, no doubt, for much of its haunting activity.

Ghosts: Those who attended the college before it closed its door still recall some of the phenomena that took place there:

  • Sightings of the ghosts of Civil War nurses carrying away buckets of bloody amputated body parts
  • Sounds of the screams of wounded and dying soldiers
  • The powerful smells of the long-gone hospital
  • The friendly ghost of Mother Seton herself has been seen walking the campus, possibly hurrying to attend to the injured soldiers.

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Poll: Are you brave enough to sleep in a haunted hotel?

i love the paranormal. i am sensitive to the so called ghost, i believe in them. if i could i’d stay at haunted places to
experiance extreme ghost like places

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PARANORMAL NEWS: Cryptid Footprints, Witch Skeleton, Ghost Footprints

Orang-pendak printPossible orang-pendak print
- The latest expedition to Sumatra in search of the orang-pendak has resulted in several prints...
Witch skeleton"Witch" skeleton found
- The 800-year-old remains of a woman thought to be a witch - with nails driven into her jaw...
Footprint of a ghost

Ghost's footprint detected
- A ghost-hunting group in Singapore believes they captured the footprints of a ghost in powder...

Plus: Take a Halloween vacation... Dark twin of Earth in sky claimed... Do loved ones bid farewell from beyond the grave?... Crescent Hotel says a celebrity ghost discovered... Taking science to the search for the paranormal... North Hungingdon B&B has permanent guests (ghosts)...
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"The Mothman Prophecies"

A psychological thriller that asks important questions about a real, extremely bizarre series of events that frightened a West Virginia town in 1966

WHAT IN THE NAME of all that's rational took place in Point Pleasant, West Virginia in 1966-67?

The many bizarre events that occurred in that quiet town on the banks of the Ohio river beginning in November, 1966 have puzzled and intrigued paranormal researchers for decades. And despite all the hype, publicity and scrutiny the events have received in concert with the release of the film The Mothman Prophecies, we are no closer to explaining what really happened.

Much of what we know of the phenomena comes from the research of the late paranormal investigator and author John A. Keel, who was in Point Pleasant when many of the strange events were going on. His findings and his experiences - Keel was directly affected by the phenomena - were chronicled in his classic non-fiction book, The Mothman Prophesies, published in 1975. The motion picture is loosely based -- or "inspired," as they say -- on Keel's book.

The Mothman event stands as one of the most peculiar and multi-layered episodes in the annals of paranormal phenomena. So many odd things were taking place that a list of them looks like entire seasons of The X-Files or Fringe:

  • Sightings of the Mothman creature itself
  • UFO sightings
  • Men-in-black appearances
  • Phantom phone calls
  • Electrical disturbances to such devices as TVs, telephones and a police radio
  • Eerie predictions and spontaneous prophecies
  • Missing time
  • Animal mutilations
  • Mental telepathy
  • Strange coincidences and repeating numbers
  • A missing, possibly dead dog
  • Encounters with the enigmatic Indrid Cold

The movie version of The Mothman Prophecies understandably relies on certain cinematic conventions in its translation from book to film. It moves the time from the 1960s to present day, creates composite characters, adds phenomena that never took place, omits phenomena that reportedly did take place, and fictionalizes the life and background of the story's protagonist, John Klein (Richard Gere) -- the character based on John A. Keel. But the film remains true to the spirit of the book and, indeed, to the nature of the true life events.

John Klein, a successful reporter for the Washington Post, is inexplicably drawn into the Point Pleasant phenomena two years after the death of his wife. She is killed in a car accident resulting from a sighting of Mothman. In reality, John Keel, a researcher of Fortean anomalies and a UFO investigator, traveled to Point Pleasant in the Ohio River Valley specifically to inquire about the Mothman sightings, which began on November 15, 1966 and were reported in the local newspaper.

By Keel's account, 100 or more people actually saw the Mothman creature. It was described as being between five and seven feet tall; apparently headless, but with two large, hypnotic, glowing red eyes in the shoulder area; a shuffling walk on human-like legs; large bat-like wings that spread but did not flap as the Mothman ascended into the air. Yes, the Mothman was reported to fly, some say with a mechanical humming noise.

As strange as this creature sounds, it was often background to the other weird events affecting dozens of people in the area. The film handles this aspect quite well. Screenwriter Richard Hatem and director Mark Pellington are to be credited for keeping the movie from becoming a run-of-the-mill monster flick in which a slime-drooling Mothman leaps onto the screen every 20 minutes to terrorize people or tear them to shreds. Instead, the creature is barely seen in this film and is a stepping-off point for deeper, more unsettling disturbances that culminate in what was to become one of the worst disasters in the state's history.

Next page: An enigmatic reality: Making Mothman work

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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

READER REPORT: The Disappearing Man

"Today, the strangest thing happened," reports Anna. "I was taking a walk with my father downtown at about 9 p.m. The streets were busy, and we were waiting to cross the street. Across the street from us was a man, an average-looking person who, like us, was waiting to cross. My father and I both saw him. As we waited, a bus passed between us. In the half-second it took for the bus to pass, the man was gone!

"My father and I could not believe our eyes. He was there just a second before! We looked around and he was nowhere to be seen. Even if he ran, he would still have been no more than 10 yards away. It was truly perplexing. We know for a fact that he could not have boarded the bus as it did not stop and passed by very quickly.

"Maybe the man was a ghost? An alien? Maybe he got somehow transported to another dimension? Whatever it is, my father and I hope that man is alright."

Thanks for that report, Anna. It really does sound perplexing. We are mystified by many other cases of unexplained disappearances:

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Sunday, September 25, 2011

Farm Ghost

This amazing photo was taken by photographer and graphic designer Neil Sandbach in 2008. Neil was photographing some scenic shots at a farm Hertfordshire, England, as part of a project for wedding stationery; the couple planned to have their wedding ceremony held there.

Later, Neil was astonished when he examined the digital photo on his computer. There, as if peeking around a corner at him, is a ghostly, white, almost glowing figure of what looks like a child. Neil says he is quite sure there was no one there at the time.

There is further corroboration that this is a true ghost photo. Neil had shown the couple the anomalous photo, and before the wedding they asked the staff at the farm if they had ever had any spooky experiences there. They did not mention Neil's photo. Indeed, they admitted that the figure of a young boy, dressed in white night clothes, had been seen on several occasions around the barn.

Apparently, this is the ghost that Neil photographed.

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Saturday, September 24, 2011

Grandpa's Ghost

This photo was received from Denise Russell. "The lady in the color photo is my granny," she says. "She lived on her own until age 94, when her mind started to weaken and had to be moved to an assisted living home for her own safety. At the end of the first week, there was a picnic for the residents and their families. My mother and sister attended. My sister took two pictures that day, and this is one of them. It was taken on Sunday, 8/17/97, and we think the man behind her is my grandpa who passed away on Sunday, 8/14/84.

We did not notice the man in the picture until Christmas Day, 2000 (granny had since passed away), while browsing through some loose family photos at my parents' house. My sister thought it was such a nice picture of granny that she even made a copy for mom, but still, nobody noticed the man behind her for over three years! When I arrived at my parents' house that Christmas day, my sister handed me the picture and said, "Who do you think this man behind granny looks like?" It took a few seconds for it to sink in. I was absolutely speechless. The black and white photos show that it really looks like him.

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Weird Nature Stories

People have had all kinds of strange experiences with Mother Nature: weird rain, strange clouds, odd lights, ball lightning, and other unexplained phenomena. Here are some true stories.

1. Ball Lightning in Alabama

In the summer of 2006, two friends see a ball of light over a field that looked about the size of a streetlight, but very high up.

2. Blackpool Beach Mystery

A couple encounters a strange blue light on the beach.

3. Bouncing Light

A ball of light actually knocks on the door.

4. Clanging, Banging Cloud

A weird cloud over a beach in Florida makes a metallic clanging and banging noise.

5. Enigmatic Lightning Strikes

Bobby and a friend witness a lightning strike from a clear sky in the summer of 2006 near the town of Calwa, New Mexico.

6. Forest Mystery

Hikers encounter a strange scene of many large trees knocked down.

7. Graveyard Lights

Strange lights in a New Zealand cemetery.

8. Incident at the Reservoir

This witness saw ball lighting descend from a cloud, then later found amazing effects in some trees.

9. Light on the Tracks

Lana and her cousin encounter a ghost light along the railroad tracks.

10. Mysterious Fireballs

In North Carolina, this witness sees balls of light flying in various directions at high speed.

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PARANORMAL NEWS: Nessie on Sonar, Zombie Skeletons, Vampire Nic Cage

Nessie Sonar HitNessie sonar hit
- The skipper of a pleasure boat on Loch Ness got this interesting ping on his sonar equipment...
Irish zombie skeletonsIrish "zombie" skeletons
- Archaeologists in Ireland unearthed 8th-century skeletons buried with stones in their mouths...
Vampire Nicolas Cage

Nicolas Cage - vampire?
- Some guy tried to sell this Civil War-era photo as proof that the film star is an ageless vampire...

Plus: Texan monsters... Ohio woman claims Bigfoot lives in her backyard... Cattle mutilation in Argentina... Indian college offers ghost studies... Aquinas College haunted mansion... Crop circles and electromagnetism... Woman claims kids are human magnets... German forest boy is telling the truth, say police...
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Skeptics: Anecdote is evidence!

This is from Greg at Daily Grail, who gives a great assessment of how a paranormal skeptic reported about a medium who might or might not have been caught cheating. "For years those interested in anomalous phenomena have had to put up with a string of platitudes from self-labeled skeptics," writes Greg, "not least among them the phrases 'anecdotes are not evidence', and 'the plural of anecdote is not data'. But it appears that things have changed, because a story suggests that skeptics are now more than willing to accept anecdotes as validating evidence when it comes to mediumship."

It seems a single witness claimed to have caught the "medium" Sally Morgan covertly receiving details from an informant during one of her readings, and skeptic Chris French wrote about it in The Guardian newspaper.

Greg doesn't know if Morgan is a fake or not (nor do I), but makes the point that "skeptics are the first to dismiss anecdotes about reports of anomalous experiences, and yet here embrace it?when it validates their belief system, to the extent that they will shout it from the rooftops."

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READER REPORT: Who the heck is Gary Jamison?

"This happened to me in June, 2010 in Ainsworth, Nebraska," reports Steve about this incident of high strangeness. "I wanted to make a rice pudding but didn't have any milk. So I got in the car and went to the store to get some milk for my pudding. I parked the car and went into the store and bought the milk.

"The man at the desk said, 'Hi gary.' This was weird because my name isn't Gary; it's Steve. Anyway, I went home with the milk and I was making my puddings when the phone rang. I answered and the person on the other end asked, 'Is that Mister Jamison?' This was weird because by last name isn't Jamison either.

"I hung up. Later, after I had eaten my puddings, I realized I hadn't got the mail yet. I went outside to get the mail from the mailbox. All I had received was a letter. It was addressed to Gary Jamison! Weird!"

Weird indeed! What's the weirdest thing that's ever happened to you? Read about these other very weird experiences, then add your own.

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HAVE YOU SEEN THIS? DEPT.: Mystery Spherical Flare

Mystery Flare

A mysterious expanding dome of light over the ocean was videotaped at the Mauna Kea astronomical observatory in Hawaii. Some say it might have been the launch of a military test missile, others an effect of the HAARP array, and still others a UFO. What's interesting is that there was recently a similar dome of light recorded over China. Go look.

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True Stories of Doppelgangers

Do you have an exact double somewhere in the world? Can a person be in two places at once? There are many intriguing accounts throughout history of people who claim to have either encountered apparitions of themselves - their doppelgangers - or have experienced the phenomenon of bilocation, being in two separate locations at the very same time.

"Doppelganger" is German for "double walker" - a shadow self that is thought to accompany every person. Traditionally, it is said that only the owner of the doppelganger can see this phantom self, and that it can be a harbinger of death. Occasionally, however, a doppelganger can be seen by a person's friends or family, resulting in quite a bit of confusion.

In instances of bilocation, a person can either spontaneously or willingly project his or her double, known as a "wraith," to a remote location. This double is indistinguishable from the real person and can interact with others just as the real person would.


One of the most fascinating reports of a doppelganger comes from American writer Robert Dale Owen who was told the story by Julie von Guldenstubbe, the second daughter of the Baron von Guldenstubbe. In 1845, when von Guldenstubbe was 13, she attended Pensionat von Neuwelcke, an exclusive girl's school near Wolmar in what is now Latvia. One of her teachers was a 32-year-old French woman named Emilie Sagee. And although the school's administration was quite pleased with Sagee's performance, she soon became the object of rumor and odd speculation. Sagee, it seemed, had a double that would appear and disappear in full view of the students.

In the middle of class one day, while Sagee was writing on the blackboard, her exact double appeared beside her. The doppelganger precisely copied the teacher's every move as she wrote, except that it did not hold any chalk. The event was witnessed by 13 students in the classroom. A similar incident was reported at dinner one evening when Sagee's doppelganger was seen standing behind her, mimicking the movements of her eating, although it held no utensils.

The doppelganger did not always echo her movements, however. On several occasions, Sagee would be seen in one part of the school when it was known that she was in another at that time. The most astonishing instance of this took place in full view of the entire student body of 42 students on a summer day in 1846. The girls were all assembled in the school hall for their sewing and embroidery lessons. As they sat at the long tables working, they could clearly see Sagee in the school's garden gathering flowers. Another teacher was supervising the children. When this teacher left the room to talk to the headmistress, Sagee's doppelganger appeared in her chair - while the real Sagee could still be seen in the garden. The students noted that Sagee's movements in the garden looked tired while the doppelganger sat motionless. Two brave girls approached the phantom and tried to touch it, but felt an odd resistance in the air surrounding it. One girl actually stepped between the teacher's chair and the table, passing right through the apparition, which remained motionless. It then slowly vanished.

Sagee claimed never to have seen the doppelganger herself, but said that whenever it was said to appear, she felt drained and fatigued. Her physical color even seemed to pale at those times.


There have been many cases of doppelgangers appearing to well-known figures:

  • Guy de Maupassant, the French novelist and short story writer, claimed to have been haunted by his doppelganger near the end of his life. On one occasion, he said, this double entered his room, took a seat opposite him and began to dictate what de Maupassant was writing. He wrote about this experience in his short story "Lui."
  • John Donne, the 16th century English poet whose work often touched on the metaphysical, was visited by a doppelganger while he was in Paris - not his, but his wife's. She appeared to him holding a newborn baby. Donne's wife was pregnant at the time, but the apparition was a portent of great sadness. At the same moment that the doppelganger appeared, his wife had given birth to a stillborn child.
  • Percy Bysshe Shelley, still considered one of the greatest poets of the English language, encountered his doppelganger in Italy. The phantom silently pointed toward the Mediterranean Sea. Not long after, and shortly before his 30th birthday in 1822, Shelley died in a sailing accident - drowned in the Mediterranean Sea.
  • Queen Elizabeth I of England was shocked to see her doppelganger laid out on her bed. The queen died shortly thereafter.
  • In a case that suggests that doppelgangers might have something to do with time or dimensional shifts, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, the 18th century German poet, confronted his doppelganger while riding on the road to Drusenheim. Riding toward him was his exact double, but wearing a gray suit trimmed in gold. Eight years later, von Goethe was again traveling on the same road, but in the opposite direction. He then realized he was wearing the very gray suit trimmed in gold that he had seen on his double eight years earlier! Had von Goethe seen his future self?

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Friday, September 23, 2011

Mystery Spherical Flare

This video was recorded by the Subaru Telescope at the Mauna Kea observatory on the island of Hawaii. It shows a large spherical eruption, blast or concussive atmospheric effect in what looks like clear skies.


There have been no conclusive or verified cases for this phenomenon. Theories include:

  • The launch of a Minuteman missile, presumably from a submarine
  • Some natural but unspecified atmospheric effect
  • Volcanic activity
  • Effect of the HAARP array
  • A Telsa weapon
  • A UFO
  • A stargate (whatever that means)

Strangely, a similar dome of light was recorded over China. This one was not a quick flare, however, but lasted as long as 15 minutes, according to eyewitnesses.

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The "Old Hag" Syndrome

You wake up unable to move, barely able to breathe... you feel an oppressive weight on your chest... and you sense some evil presence in the room... The old hag strikes!

A reader writes:

About a year and a half ago, I was awoken in the night by a strong, warm breeze. I could not move and could not scream. It lasted about 30 seconds and was gone. I saw nothing. Last week it happened again. I was lying in bed and again was awoken. I felt a very strong force holding me down. I could not sit up. I tried to scream for my daughter and could not get any noise to come out. I tried to hit the wall with my arm and this force would not let me. It again lasted about 30 seconds and was over. I really don't believe in ghosts and didn't see anything at all. I am just really scared and confused.

Have you ever had a similar experience? The above incident is a classic example of what has become known as the "old hag" syndrome and is one of many such letters I receive from readers each month. The victims awake to find that they cannot move, even though they can see, hear, feel and smell. There is sometimes the feeling of a great weight on the chest and the sense that there is a sinister or evil presence in the room. And like the above reader, they are often quite frightened about what is happening to them.

The name of the phenomenon comes from the superstitious belief that a witch - or an old hag - sits or "rides" the chest of the victims, rendering them immobile. Although that explanation isn't taken very seriously nowadays, the perplexing and often very frightening nature of the phenomenon leads many people to believe that there are supernatural forces at work - ghosts or demons.

The experience is so frightening because the victims, although paralyzed, seem to have full use of their senses. In fact, it is often accompanied by strange smells, the sound of approaching footsteps, apparitions of weird shadows or glowing eyes, and the oppressive weight on the chest, making breathing difficult if not impossible. All of the body's senses are telling the victims that something real and unusual is happening to them. The spell is broken and the victims recover often on the point of losing consciousness. Fully awake and well, they sit up, completely baffled by what just happened to them since now the room is entirely normal.

Confronted with such a bizarre and irrational experience, it's no wonder that many victims fear that they have been attacked in their beds by some malevolent spirit, demon or, perhaps, an alien visitor.

The phenomenon occurs to both men and women of various ages and seems to happen to about 15 percent of the population at least once in a lifetime. It can occur while the victim is sleeping during the day or night, and it is a worldwide phenomenon that has been documented since ancient times.

"In the 2nd century, the Greek physician Galen attributed it to indigestion," according to The Encyclopedia of Ghosts and Spirits by Rosemary Ellen Guiley. "Some individuals suffer repeated attacks over a limited period of time; others have repeated attacks for years."

Another example:

I am a 27 year old female and have been suffering for the past 12 or so years. It started just being unable to move, like someone was on top of me, pinning me down. And although I was trying with all my might to move or to scream, all I could do was barely wiggle my toes and faintly murmur. In the beginning it was very frightening and I would try with all my might to wake up. Upon waking I would be unable to resume sleep for at least a few hours. Now I have become somewhat used to them. Sometimes I even lie back and see how long I can take that awful, overpowering feeling. In the end, I always try to wake myself up. Over the years this "thing" has kind of metamorphosized into a dark being, something who is doing this deliberately to me for some reason. I guess this is something that I may have invented in my head to deal with it. I am not really sure. After I got used to it, I never really questioned it. It still occurs about every 2 months or so. Sometimes once a night, other times it can happen several times in one night.

What's going on? Is there a rational explanation for these freaky experiences?

Next page: The scientific explanation

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Strange Things on the Moon

Ukert craterWe've been there a few times, so there's a lot we know about the Moon. However, there is also much we don't know. And some say there could be a lot that is hidden. There are many photographs, for example, taken by the lunar missions of both the U.S. and the Soviet Union, that seem to show artificial structures and artifacts.

Are there good, logical explanations for these things... or is there something happening on the Moon that most of us don't know about? Go look at this gallery and decide for yourself.

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Monday, September 19, 2011

READER REPORT: Disturbances and apparitions

"About 12 years ago I lived in a house in the Sardis, Alabama area," reports Nicky, "and had an encounter with doors opening and closing by themselves and cold water turning on by itself. I also witnessed an apparition of an old man in an sparkling black cloak come out the kitchen, pause for a moment, then turn around and go back into the kitchen and disappear out of site. My two youngest nephews have seen it, too, and were scared to tears."

Thanks for the report, Nicky. The phenomena you first describe with the doors and the water sounds like typical poltergeist activity. But the sighting of the apparition suggests that something else is going on. You might indeed have a genuine haunting. The figure in the black cloak seems to fit in the ghost category of hooded beings, which is a mysterious, rather enigmatic type of apparition.

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