Friday, August 26, 2011

The Curious Creature

The most terrifying event to happen in my life yet happened just five years ago sometime in June in 2005 when I was 13. I guess it was one of everyone's worst nightmares: Someone or something living with you unnoticed in your own home.

The place I lived in in suburban Maryland was a condo, and if you turned a corner in the living room you would see a small hallway. At the end of it was my bedroom door, and to the side my bathroom. One late evening right before summer break I was watching a movie in the living room with my parents. I recall that I needed to get something from my bathroom, so I left for a second. The only light on in my house was the one in my room, on my desk.

As I passed by my room, I realized the door was open and the light was on, but what really intrigued me was that I caught movement out of the corner of my eye. I approached the door to get a closer look, thinking it was some animal in my room. It was a million times worse! Sitting on my desk, going through my camera case, was this creature. It didn't seem to be looking for anything, but it was pulling things out forcefully, throwing them on the floor. The thing was about the size of a two year old, hunched over, hairless, bald and wrinkled. Its skin was pitch black, like it was burned, and was very thin. I could see how bony it was. It appeared to be shaped like a person and looked like a small human mummy until it turned around.

I gasped and turned to the bathroom, but peered back in to get a brief look because I was feeling bold. It had turned its head to face me, and I could make out long, tear-drop shaped eyes like the ones little green Martians have in cartoons, pitch black. I chickened out and fled into the bathroom, trying to act natural, like I hadn't seen it so it wouldn't come and try to get a closer look at me. I flipped the light switch on in the bathroom and locked the door.

I remember sitting on the floor on the other side of the room, feeling stranded. I did not want to go past my room again. I resorted to calling my mom over. I told my mom that she would promise to do what I asked, no matter how weird it was. I asked her to go into my room, look around, put my camera case on my bed, and report to me. She was gone for five whole minutes. Then she slowly walked to the bathroom. "Have you been keeping birds in your room?" she asked.

I said no. "Well, for a week or so, there's been a weird smell in your room. I didn't say anything about it, though." The past week I had been on a trip to Chicago with some friends. My Mom continued. "Well, when I walked in, your camera case was on the ground and I saw something moving the curtains, something big. But I didn't see it well. It's gone now. It flew out the window. It was probably a bird that got in."

I thanked my mom and went to bed early. I knew it couldn't have been a bird because birds can't open zippers like the one I found open on the camera case. I've never seen it again, but I remember that one night two weeks later I heard some strange noises and felt something moving on my legs while I was going to sleep, and the window was open when I got up. Another day I heard a loud thump coming from my room when I was watching TV and when I came in a book from my bookshelf lay in the middle of the room. I also found an assortment of string and bouncy balls and doodads in a corner of the laundry room, and no one in my family had done it. I still wonder what I saw, and whether anyone else has had an encounter with it. None of my friends have, and I would really like anyone who has seen it to know this - you're not alone!

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